Perfect conditions for opening rounds of the APB 2016 Mike Stewart Pipeline Invitational
posted on 27th February 2016
The APB 2016 Mike Stewart Pipeline Invitational first stop of the APB World Tour completed the opening day of competition today in classic eight-to-ten foot Banzai Pipeline conditions. With perfect coondtions all day the first two and half rounds were completed with the world's best abusing the barells and progressive air maneuvers in the North Shore.
Standouts of the day include Lachlam Cramsie and Dave Winchester - both Australians - the six-time world champion Guilherme Tamega from Brazil and the Puerto Rican Abner D´Arce.
Lachlam Cramsie began his 2016 Pipeline campaing with the second highest total of the day - 14.66 points - on his victory in round 3. Hawaiian Keahi Parker also had a great performance in massive day of surf and secured his spot in Round 4.
The six-time world Champion Guilherme Tamega showed all his power and knowledge at Pipe with a convincing performance on his way to a round 3 win. With 14.17 points, one of the best scores during today, GT guaranteed his place in top-16 round. Angelo Faraire from Tahiti also secure a spot in next round with a second place in the same heat.
Returning to APB World Tour, aussie Dave Winchester also had a impressive performance combining to 13.66 points. His best wave was scored 8.33 points with a incredible invert at backdoor.
Also earning a Round 3 berth with a victory Peter Piho from Hawaii looked in form and now will face the top-16 in next round. Julien Miramont (TAH) and Garth Macgregor (AUS) also secured a spot in Round 4.
Early in Round 2 the puerto rican Abner D´Arce, 16 years old, impressed the crowd in a deep tube ride scoring the best wave of the day with a 9.33 points. Now the groomet is waiting to compete in Round 3.
When the event restarts four more heat will be held to define the last spots in Round 4. Big names like the South africans Alistair Taylor and Michael Ostler, hawaiians Spencer Skipper, Trevor Kam and Kainoa McGee, aussie Ryan Hardy and brazilians Dudu Pedra and Magno Passos will fight to secure a spot in next round.
The last day of APB 2016 Mike Stewart Pipeline Invitational is now on standby. Organizers will reconvence sunday morning to reassess conditions. After Round´s 3 last 4 heats the top-16 riders will compete in Pipeline include the current world champion Jared Houston (SAF), three-time world champions Jeff Hubbard (HAW) and Ben Player (AUS), Amaury Laverhne (REU) 2x world champions and also world Champion Pierre Louis Costes (FRA).
APB 2016 Mike Stewart Pipeline Invitational Round 1:Heat 1: Keahi Parker (HAW) 8,00 x Mauro Vivanco (CHI) 5,90 x Mark Watts (SAF) 4,17 x Warren Feinbeer (AUS) 0,50
Heat 2: Julien Miremont (TAH) 9,50 x Peter Piho (HAW) 5,96 x Mack Crilley (HAW) 4,20 x Billy Thiel (SAF) 2,60
Heat 3: Garth Macgregor (AUS) 12,17 x Brett Lillyman (AUS) 8,33 x Daniel Louis (HAW) 6,83 x Wesley Liquorish 3,34
Heat 4: Nakana Rivera (HAW) 10,26 x Vijay Maharaj (TAH) 8,83 x Alan Lamphere (HAW) 6,94 x Gabriel Brantes (CHI) 5,16
Heat 5: Jason Bitzer (USA) 5,84 x Noa Auweloa (HAW) 5,17 x Fabio Aquino (BRA) 3,83 x Pohaku Kekaualua (HAW) 3,60
Heat 6: Sammy Morretino (HAW) 14,83 x Cordon Stapp (HAW) 10,76 x Dion Myers (AUS) 4,14 x Tsuyoshi Maeyama (JAP) 3,20
Heat 7: Patrick Orr (HAW) 13,50 x David Phillips (HAW) 12,27 x Ryan Sewell (AUS) 8,63 x Keoni Haina (HAW) 6,67
Heat 8: Trevor Kam (HAW) 10,17 x Tim Hamilton (HAW) 9,76 x Daniel Zimbra (HAW) 8,44 x Edson Viera (BRA) 4,27
Heat 9: Roy Overstreet (USA) 6,50 x Jamie O´Brien (HAW) 5,47 x Sahen Meehan (IRE) 4,90 x Wade Asato (HAW) 3,97
Heat 10: Matt Holman (HAW) 11,07 x Mark Gervacio (HAW) 4,80 x Jerrett Lau (HAW) 3,60 x Eulices Suarez (PR) 2,67
Heat 11: JB Hillen (HAW) 14,50 x Will Petrovic (HAW) 10,44 x Josh Garner (AUS) 10,00 x Alex Kinimaka (HAW) 2,26
Heat 12: Abner D´Arce (PR) 13,60 x Chrstian Riguccini (AUS) 12,67 x Kahekili Labatte (HAW) 11,83 x Storm Preswich (SAF) 8,34
APB 2016 Mike Stewart Pipeline Invitational Round 2:
Heat 1: Keahi Parer (HAW) 10,16 x Julien Miramont (TAH) 9,30 x Vijay Maharaj (TAH) 5,57 x Brett Lillyman (AUS) 3,20
Heat 2: Peter Piho (HAW) 11,00 x Garth Macgregor (AUS) 10,24 x Mauro Vivanco (CHI) 3,70 x Nakana Rivera (HAW) 2,83
Heat 3: Tim Hamilton (HAW) 10,84 x David Phillips (HAW) 8,40 x Sammy Morretino (HAW) 7,43 x Jason Bitzer (USA) 3,43
Heat 4: Trevor Kam (HAW) 14,10 x Patrick Or (HAW) 13,50 x Noa Auweloa (HAW) 5,93 x Cordon Stapp (HAW) 3,20
Heat 5: Will Petrovic (HAW) 8,83 x Christian Riguccini (AUS) 8,50 x Roy Overstreet (USA) 4,26 x Matt Holman (HAW) 3,23
Heat 6: JB Hillen (HAW) 9,43 x Abner D´Arce (PR) 5,27 x Jamie O´Brien (HAW) x Mark Gervacio (HAW) 3,37
APB 2016 Mike Stewart Pipeline Invitational Round 3:
Heat 1: Lachlam Cramsie (AUS) 14,66 x Keahi Parker (HAW) 14,00 x Davis Blackwell (AUS) 9,33 x Paulo Barcellos (BRA) 1,83
Heat 2: Peter Piho (HAW) 10,10 x Julien Miramont (TAH) 5,50 x Shaun Pyne (AUS) 5,33 x Tahurai Henry (TAH) 0
Heat 3: Guilherme Tâmega (BRA) 14,17 x Angelo Faraire (TAH) 13,34 x David Phillips (HAW) 13,16 x David Taurau (TAH) 1,90
Heat 4: Dave Winchester (AUS) 13,66 x Garth Macgregor (AUS) 6,50 x Tim Hamilton (HAW) 1,77 x Fred Temorere (TAH) 1,74
Upcoming APB 2016 Mike Stewart Pipeline Invitational Round 3:
Heat 5: Alistair Taylor (SAF) x Michael Ostler (SAF) x Trevor Kam (HAW) x Christian Riguccini (AUS)
Heat 6: Kainoa McGee (HAW) x George Humpries (AUS) x Ryan Hardy (AUS) x Patrick Orr (HAW)
Heat 7: Spencer Skipper (HAW) x Rusty Friesen (USA) x Will Petrovic (HAW) x Abner D´Arce (PR)
Heat 8: Magno Passos (BRA) x Jacob Vandervelde (HAW) x Dudu Pedra (BRA) x JB Hillen (HAW)
Upcoming APB 2016 Mike Stewart Pipeline Invitational Round 4:
Heat 1: Lewy Finnegan (AUS) x Maxime Castillo (FRA) x Lachlam Cramsie )AUS) x Julien Miramont (TAH)
Heat 2: Iain Campbell (SAF) x Dave Hubbard (HAW) x Peter Piho (HAW) x Keahi Parker (HAW)
Heat 3: Tanner McDaniel (HAW) x Sacha Damjanic (CHI) x Guilherme Tamega (BRA) x Garth Macgregor (AUS)
Heat 4: Jared Houston (SAF) x Charly Chapelet (REU) x Dave Winchester (AUS) x Angelo Faraire (TAH)
Heat 5: Pierre Louis Costes (FRA) x Socrates Santana (BRA)
Heat 6: Diego Cabrera (CAR) x Jeff Hubbard (HAW)
Heat 7: Amaury Laverhne (REU) x Ben Player (AUS)
Heat 8: Jacob Romero (HAW) x Matias Diaz (CHI)