Save the Pipe Contest Petition Update

posted by Kelly Footit on 3rd November 2004

Ten days ago we went live with the “Save the Pipe Contest” petition with an aim to rally support for this cause. Today the petition is 2,500+ signatories strong, gathered from some 54 countries, an indication of the global participation and audience of the Pipe Pro which has for some 20 years been the most prestigious event on the bodyboarding calendar.

For those who are not aware of the situation, GOB Oahu had their application for a permit for the event denied. Initially no reason was given and it was only through Bob Thomas’ investigation that he was able to determine that of the 16 days available, 12 went to 3 events for stand-up surfers, 2 to bodysurfing and 2 to a ladies bodyboarding/surfing event. Since then a rally was held by local bodyboarders outside City Hall on the 1st October, however, as far as I understand, chances are slim and if anything a March/April date may be the only possibility.

We went through this all before, two years ago ( at which point the very same Mayor Jeremy Harris issued a press release stating that he was “displeased with the process used to award dates for the surfing and bodyboarding contests” and that “the city will begin drafting new rules and regulations for future contests”. Obviously this has not happened, which is all that we ask – that fair access is granted to the venue during the peak winter season.

So having reached two and a half thousand signatures, this initial list of signatories, together with comments, has been forwarded onto the International Bodyboarding Association (IBA) to be delivered to the Mayor of Honolulu and we have requested that the IBA keep us informed of proceedings which you will be able to find on the petition page, as well as posted on

However, 2500 signatures is by no means enough and ask that those who have not signed, sign up now and then everyone please forward the petition onto your mailing list and follow up to see if they have signed which you can do by downloading the full list of signatures and using your browsers find function ([Ctrl+F] in Internet Explorer). It is up to us, the bodyboarding community, to stand united on this issue – the Pipe contest is our showcase, our heritage and above all it is wrong – whatever, the reason for denying the permit, none will be able to justify the action and it is up to us to stand up and ensure that we are not taken advantage of.

The least which we can do is offer a few minutes of our day to sign the petition and get your friends and family to sign. If anything, we owe it to Mike Stewart - The King of Pipe - the man who dominated our sport for over a decade, revolutionising it into what it is today.

Below I have included a few comments from a few of the IBA Committee, some Pro riders and a few people who have made some valid or interesting comments:

“To succeed at Pipe is the dream of just about every competitive Bodyboarder world-wide. After all the years of having the Pipe contest and the hundreds of thousands of dollars that bodyboarders have put into the local economy over those years, the city council should be embracing the event and helping it to grow not alienating and blatantly disregarding us.” Steve Kirkman, IBA Managing Director, Australia

“The Pipeline event is everyone's dream wave regardless of what water craft you ride. It is the pinnacle of all surf riders being surfers, longboarders, bodyboarders, bodysurfers, professional or amateur, male or female.

Hopefully all promoters that hold a permit for an event will see this and cooperate with each other to ensure that in the long run it is the people that enjoy competing at such a special venue, a venue that depicts a true champion and for some a venue that determines world champions, that these athletes all have their chance to achieve their personal goals and dreams.” Mark Fordham, IBA World Super Tour (WST) Managing Director, Australia

“I have been involved with the Pipe competition since the first year. It has grown to be one of the most prestigious big-wave bodyboard competitions in the world. Pipe is a wave which provides the opportunity for riders from all corners of the globe to come together to show their ability in this challenging wave. I know some riders personally from places like Peru and Panama for example who for many years have saved money just to come and be part of this event. For some it is their lifelong dream to compete at Pipe. For the talented local riders it is the opportunity to compete against all the best riders from around the world.” Derek Hulme, IBA Director, Australia

“[It] is unbelievable we have to go through this!!!” Guilherme Tamega, 6 x World Champion, Brazil

“Please reconsider your decision because the waves on the North Shore should be enjoyed by all wave riders. This will only make bodyboarders stronger and more determined as underdogs to surfers.” Gordon Cockwell, South Africa

“It has been happening yearly for over twenty years and it is the highlight of the year on the sport scene. It sounds like discrimination to me.” Claudia Ferrari, United States

“I am in contention for the World Title; I would like nothing more than a chance to win that title at the legendary Pipeline.” Andrew Lester, Australia

“ … This break is such a big part of bodyboarding’s culture and history it would be a real shame to see all of the hard work done by the people in the late 80’s and 90’s go to waste … ” Driaan Cloete, South Africa

“I'm a local Hawaiian. Bodyboarding is a significant part of the lifestyle of ALL those that live in Hawaii. The Pipeline Contest is the most important bodyboarding event in the world for us locals here as well as for multitudes that visit Hawaii regularly and contribute to our economy in a positive way. There is no valid reason for this event not to be accommodated in the permit process.

You made a mistake in granting too much to the board surfing events. Now you have a chance to fix it and fix it right. No crumbs like Alii beach in March. It is entitled to be at Pipeline during the prime January-February times as you have given to the board surfers of which I am also supportive of. Be pono........” Danny Black, Hawaii

“I have been in the previous 7 pipe contests and 10 seasons in Hawaii. This is a prestigious event, the longest running bodyboard contest in the world on par with the Bells Beach surfing contest. It is an institution and should not be disregarded.” Toby Player, Australia

“Please allow the contest to happen. I co own a bodyboarding video production company in San Diego and for the last 3 years we have gone to the North Shore to film the event for our video.” Mike Gener, United States

“Let’s make it happen! As an editor of a bodyboarding magazine for 14 years it’s a shame to see this kind of thing in 21st century. Bodyboard has their own space in the world, in Hawaii and at Pipeline.” Antonio Fonseca, Portugal

“Over the last few years it has become apparent that the negative relations between surfers and bodyboarders is GRADUALLY dissipating. The ‘general atmosphere’ in the water is improving: surfers are beginning to accept bodyboarders and bodyboarders are beginning to respect surfers. It is not only this ‘general atmosphere’ that reinforces my sentiment, but actual incidents:
… 10 years ago who would have believed that a prominent north-shore stand-up local would support (fight for) a bodyboarder over a surfer?… no one! Yet incidents such as this reflect an unbiased attitude that is slowly making its way into the global waters.
In general, things are making a much-needed turn for the good. However, this happens bit-by-bit and only over a long period of time.
By refusing to give a permit for the bodyboarding competition at pipeline the city and county of Honolulu is sending a poignant message that will unravel all such advances. It is not the fact that they are denying the bodyboarding competition a permit, it is the fact that they are denying the bodyboarders what they have granted the surfers. The message being that surfers have some sort of divinely imposed righteousness that makes them superior to bodyboarders. What is worse is that the message is being institutionalised!
A situation such as this can only have ill effect. Bodyboarders across the globe will see this as an attack on their sport, and a blatant abuse of their right to equality. The problem is that they will not take their qualms to the city and county of Honolulu, they'll take them to the surfers. Hence, by denying the WST a permit, the city and county of Honolulu are "re-instituting" an age-old feud.
I urge those concerned to have some foresight. Revoke your decision and save not only a prestigious event, but also years of work that has gone into creating an understanding between surfers and bodyboarders.” Mark Jents, South Africa

“I am voting to support the Pipe contest and to lend my support for all those men, women and youngsters around the world that not only participate in the sport of bodyboarding, but work countless hours behind the scenes to make sure the world of bodyboarding is presented to the public through web sites, news articles, pictures or in public promos. The Pipe contest is the culmination of a year’s long hard work and many contests throughout the world leading to this one big contest that says"You are number one". Do not take this away from the athletes. It would be like taking away the World Series, the super bowl or The Masters. Please keep supporting our bodyboarders and give them back their contest, they deserve your support.” RoAnn Dwyer, United States

“Being a surfer, since before the invention of the bodyboard, I have arranged a few winter vacations to the north shore just to watch the pipeline masters and spend lots of my $$$ while at Oahu. I have always found that pipeline is the ultimate proving ground for watersports such as surfing & bodyboarding. It also provides the world's best up close setting for the spectators at hand. Surf contests have enjoyed a long standing relationship with this spot and it has paid off for both the sport & the surrounding area. I do not understand why the city would discourage such an open opportunity to add to this. If not permitted, this will leave a large 'open wound' between the bodyboard industry, bodyboarders & the city .... I see no sense in that. Thanks for your time in reading this, Rob” Robert Nicholas, United States

“I bet you guys would be mad if they took away a golf tournament. Or even denied Michelle Wie to play in something, so why deny these PROFESSIONALS. They deserve the same treatment. They deserve better.” Static Video Magazine, Honolulu, Hawaii

“I represent a group of companies that willingly spends tens of thousands of dollars for our professional athletes to live in Hawaii and train for this event. If this event does not take place, I will be forced to find other places outside of Hawaii for my team to train and compete.” Michael Eric Peterson (Petey), Marketing Director BZ, Morey, Churchill, United States

“That is crazy. I surfed the Pipe contest last year for the first time - it was my childhood dream to surf the Pipe Masters and one of my biggest accomplishments in my life. What about other young bodyboarders who have the same dreams??” Marc Jucker, 2004 South African Champ

“Bodyboarding deserves at least one contest at Pipe per year. That is all we ask, while the surfers get as many as they want, we will fight for just one! Let's get this comp back!”

“I won the Pipe DK division in 2002. I've been entering the event for the last 6 years. Not allowing the bodyboarders to crown their world champion here at pipe is absolutely ridiculous. Just hook up the fair access, and quit being so lame. Seriously, just be fair, that’s why guys vote for you.” David Hubbard, Hawaii

“I can't believe this is happening, I won the contest in 97 it was the best experience of my life. Don't let this happen.” Stephen Mackenzie, Australia

“Don't let bodyboarding loose its main event! Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last fish has been fished, only after the last river has been poisoned, only then will you know that money cannot be eaten.” Delisle, France



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