J-Bay 2010 - Supertubes shadowed by skyscrapers. Fact or fiction?

posted on 23rd February 2006

Save Supers

There is a major crisis in J-Bay where the greed of developers is infringing on everything that is Jbay is built upon. Every surfer and person in the world that loves J-bay must say NO!!!!

The following application has been posted in the local paper where an application to build a 15 story building in the heart of the town has been submitted.

Our Times 17 February 2006
Page 21, Miscellaneous Land Use Applications:

"The council has received: An application for departure on erf 76,
Jeffrey's Bay in terms of Section 15 of Ordinance 15 of 1985 to exceed allowable height and F.A.R. to erect a 15 storey building.

This is on the corner of Diaz Road and Swart Street, (Times Square
Building). The owners probably want to pop another eleven storeys on top of the existing building, which is pretty much on the max. Permissible height (11,5m or 13m, depending on the zoning)

"Motivated objections, if any, against the applications, must be lodged in writing, to reach the undersigned not later than 21 days after publication of this notice. PH Wilson, acting municipal manager PO Box 21 Jeffrey's Bay 6330."

You can make a change. Place your objection at www.savesupertubes.com

Your objection will make a massive difference in preserving a heritage that 100’s of thousands of people love. Join the campaign

Please forwards this urgent email to all your surfing friends and family who have interest in protecting the town of Jeffreys Bay .




KellyKelly Footit
23rd February 2006 23:24
Please visit the www.savesupertubes.com website and sign the petition.

We've seen a few of our coastal regions exploited where we've been pretty helpless at trying to do anything about - big money just steam rolls in and the concrete flies up ... but here's a chance to stop to help stop that at one of our most famous breaks.

This petition will make a difference so please take 2 minutes to sign.

There is also an email draft on the site which you should please copy and email to your friends or anyone who you think will be interested.


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