Movement to go on sale this week ...

posted by Jason Boddy on 26th June 2006

Howzit everyone,

This is for all the South African bodyboarders out there to let you know the latest about my involvement in MOVEMENT INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE and its future success.

After speaking to Eddie Solomon and Jeff Hubbard in Hawaii I knew that we needed the magazine in South Africa to improve our sport. I felt that by our riders getting a closer view into the worlds best waves, locations and riders through articles and photo's in an international magazine produced by the best bodyboarders could only elevate the performance and revitalize the stoke that already exists in S.A.

The approach I took in selling the magazine is what I decided is best for the sport and although it’s failed terribly I want to stick with it. From the beginning I decided not to use a distributor as half the money the magazine sells for goes to them and the surf shops, newsagents etc, but at least they get sold. My approach was to show that with bodyboarders buying direct they would benefit from the magazine and no-one else.

So what I did was sponsor the Cave Rock Gladiator pit so that the Movement website would be well known after the coverage generated on sixty40,newspapers,supersport TV etc. and I would receive subscription orders. Enough orders would enable me to re-coupe my sponsorship outlay of R10,000 and pay for issue 2 of the magazine.

Well, that didn’t work. I know internet purchases are slow in S.A but then only 19 subscriptions to date have been taken out. Not one sub from any of the 32 invited entrants to the contest was received. That’s what has discouraged me, why I’m writing this and why this will be the only issue of Movement sold in SA unless all the bodyboarders pull together and make this happen.

The 2000 issues have just arrived and I’ve passed them over to be sold through They will be available as single copies and in packs of 10. If the 2000 get sold then I will pay for the next issue and will put another minimum of R10 000 into another contest. By not using a distributor this will happen every issue and the sport can only get bigger.

That’s about it, I will be travelling from tomorrow for the rest of the year so I will not be directly involved in the magazine. The infrastructure is there for me to land the mags and now they are easily available from Factory7. Guys with ideas can go through them with Kelly at sixty40 (use the contact form).

This can work, we don’t need distributors. I’ve landed the 2000 issues for R20 each. If we used distributors the magazine would be sold for a minimum of R40 with not 1 cent going back into the sport. This way you getting the mag for less and as you can see by the Cave Rock Gladiator Pit where your money is going, this can work. The mag is unreal, 100 pages, tri-fold cover and 8-fold poster of the best bodyboarding in the world.

Please support S.A bodyboarding, it’s up to you guys.

Jason Boddy



KellyKelly Footit
28th June 2006 16:37
OK - the mags have landed and you can get your copies at which is the only place at the moment where you can get them. They will be down at Ocean Life in Plettenberg Bay by Monday so if you're at the comp then grab a copy there.

If you want to see this work then please grab a ten pack. There is a R5 discount per copy so you can score five bucks for every copy you sell to your buddies.
KellyKelly Footit
26th June 2006 11:50
I'm taking this discussion to the forum.
KellyKelly Footit
26th June 2006 02:58
Magazine politics aside --- that is another completely different issue - this tends to happen in most sports and is the way business generally works unfortunately. The cliche "it's not what you know it is who you know" is as true in bodyboarding as it is in surfing and as it is in most lines of work.

1. Logic will always be our local mag and shoud get 100% of our support. If you haven't bought a Logic mag then you should not buy a foreign mag. The two mags contain different content - there should effectively be no competition.

2. Not having a foreign mag in the country is detrimental to the sport. Progression slows and the standard of riding drops.

3. By buying a mag in SA you are firstly supporting the SA distributor - in this case Jason, the guy who put R10,000 into the Cave Rock. I did not see any other company putting their hand up to support this event.

4. You ride BZ - why not support South African manufacturers if these are your views??? Yet a bodyboarder will buy both the Logic mag and the Movement mag but you will most likely not buy both a Rossi and a BZ. A magazine is a product - no different to a board or a fleece --- apply the same rules!

5. A foreign mag will push the standard of the local mag.

I could go on forever - obviously we hope Movement will start covering SA riders more in future issues - but by not bringing it in you are just shutting doors. Here Jason is bringing a solution for SA bodyboarding. For sure - support Logic!!! I cannot shout that enough!!! But myself and other riders want to know what's going on both in South Africa and outside.

Do not deny the South African bodyboarder the choice.

Logic is selling mags and obviously they want more sales, however, they need advertisers more than sales.

You want to support SA bodyboarding? Go buy an INTABA raffle ticket. And then look at the companies who are supporting bodyboarding in SA and support them - Movement happens to be one of them.
KellyKelly Footit
26th June 2006 01:02
OK ... gonna start off with me having my few cents.

1. Jason - shot bru! You know my thoughts - for everyone else ... this is an awesome opportunity to bring money in for SA bodyboarding, to get more comps like the Cave Rock ... all it requires is support from at least 2000 of us.

2. Jason has taken a big gamble here in putting up this money, but he has faith in the SA crew, seeing guys on the forums punting their "support the sport" chirps etc ... now it is time to put your money where your mouth is. As Jason has mentioned - if it does not work then we will not be seeing issue 2. This is a great opportunity to get international bodyboarding news into SA and a great opportunity to get SA bodyboarding into an international mag.

3. The shipment is just clearing customs and we will have them available at F7 later this week - providing everything goes smoothly. I'll post a notice when they arrive.

4. Copies will be on sale as singles and in packs of 10 which we're going to try encourage. There will be very few stores stocking the mag unless they are bodyboarding friendly and willing to sell under the same conditions.

The packs of 10 are to try encourage you guys to do something for the sport - find 9 other guys, get their money in and then put an order through. The first 30 packs of 10 will get a free DVD.

Finally - as Jason has said, it is up to us. This way we get cash in from the sales of a magazine rather than if it went through a distributor. Let's make it happen! I want to see everyone supporting both Logic and Movement these are the two mags which are supporting bodyboarding in SA!

Movement Bodyboard Magazine News

Movement Bodyboard Magazine
Movement Mag hits SA Shores
29th April 2006

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