Siemens Mobile Bodyboard
posted on 29th November 2003
New stars where born, 6 of November will definitely be remembered in the scenario of Bodyboarding in Portugal. 12 athletes competed in the waves as big as 3-4 meters at North Nazare. It was the first edition of Siemens Mobile Bodyboard Special Edition 2003. Paulo Costa was the big winner. We had a great dinner presentation celebration at the Adega Oceano, a location that is situated in the village of Nazare. Paulo Costa won the event with a great wave, a big barrel finishing with a clean air 360. In second with a close margin of points was Rui Ferreira, one of his waves stood out the most with one of the cleanness barrels of the event. In third place was Luis "Bajolo" Duarte and in fourth was Gonsalo "Estrela" Silva. 5th place was Luis "Porquito" Perreira and in 6th Nuno "Martelo" Simoes. Nuno "Martelo" Simoes received a award for the best wave of the event, it scored a perfect 10. Ricardo Faustino receive an award for the best wipe out of the entire event and Rita Pires won the Women's Division that was held at another spot called Praia da vila.
The final heat, I don't even have words to mention how exciting it was. Nuno, Rui, Paulo, Bajolo, Estrela and Porquito made the best of the final. The wind backed off a little bit and the waves where perfect. The final heat started with Porco trying to get the barrel of his life, but not always finding the best exit. Estrela showed a lot of technical ability and attitude in the conditions, Bajolo also was doing good as well as the other competitors. The local bodyboarders from Sagres surfed some good waves, surfing with speed and power. Paulo Costa surfed excellent. In one wave he surfed a big barrel coming out with a air 360, this was the wave of that secured his victory. 20 minutes before the end of the final Martelo did the impossible, he got the deepest barrel and came out clean. Rui Ferreira also surfed some heavy waves, good barrels coming out with air 360.
Special thanks:
The judges of the event for rewarding not only the manoeuvres but the attitude of the athletes. Security in the water Diogo "Pina" Perreira and Thiago Pita, also Jorge Narciso. Jet Ski club of Portugal.
Thanks for the organization of the event, Nuno Amado and Dino Casimiro, they create a contest with no major problems that was a great success. Paulo Torvao and Nuno Trovao, Goncalo Silva, Eastpack, "camara Municipal de nazare", Vert "toze" magazine, Online magazine, Surf Action video productions, "Tribo do Sol e Clube de desportos alternativos de Nazare" with Siemens that sponsered the event.