SA Champs: Day One starts on a sombre note
posted by Gareth White on 24th September 2007
The 21st annual 5A rated South African Bodyboarding Championships started today and contestants had their work cut out for them from the get-go, with inconsistent 2 to 3 foot swell and fierce competition being the order of the day.
The event kicked off on a sombre note when riders paid tribute to Ivan Friedman, a respected South African bodyboarder who passed away recently. South African Bodyboarding Association (SABA) chairperson, Alistair Taylor, guided the group through a prayer, after which flowers were released into the ocean - a celebration of Ivan’s life in a manner that he would have been proud of.
The Pro Division were the first to take to the water in some of the smallest surf seen on the day. Highlights included solid performances from Mark Watts (CKZN) and Jonathan Maritz (WPBA). One of the biggest self-inflicted-upsets came when former South African Pro-Division Champion, Daniel Worsley (WPBA) was penalised after interference was called by the judges. This could see Worsley eliminated from the competition if he cannot find his rhythm in round 2.
Next up were the Ladies, who had a stroke of luck when the swell became more consistent and increased in size during their heats. Stand out performances came from local riders, Lyndell Pells (EPBA) and Geline Derbyshire (SCBA,) who both won their heats.
The Boys also had luck on their side with some rather staunch waves rolling through during the running of their heats. Some were unfortunate enough to be caught on the inside by vicious rouge sets that the Pro’s wouldn’t like to encounter - so once again we take our hats-off-to-them. Stand out performances came from Murray van Vuuren (EPBA) and Jason Selby (WPBA) who both won their heats and showed promise for the future of bodyboarding in South Africa.
As the swell dwindled the Men paddled into the battlefield to test each others metal and provide onlookers with a spectacle. Highlights included superb performances from old-school legend Wayne Beekman (SKZN,) S.A Champs rookie, Simon Heale (WPBA) and local rider Ryan Jucker (EPBA,) all of whom excelled and walked away as winners of their heats.
Organisers then chose to run the first of the Drop-Knee heats in what I can only describe as the most testing conditions faced on the day. Swell predictions over the coming days are not promising and it was felt that it would better to run the first round before the swell disappeared. Sacha Specker (WPBA,) Wesley Fischer (CKZN,) Vaughn Harris (WPBA,) and Sean Tickner (CKZN) had the best rides during their heats and truly stood out above the rest.
We will have to wait until tomorrow to know for sure whether or not swell will arrive against the odds, but we all hope it will. Predictions and local knowledge all point to the swell being in the wrong direction and the winds being onshore, so on paper it is not looking good, but who trust the weatherman anyway?
The South African Bodyboarding Championships 2007 is hosted by the Eastern Province Bodyboarding Association together with the South African Bodyboarding Association and is brought to you by
Science Bodyboards,
Reef Wetsuits,
Factory 7 Bodyboard Shop,
debis Fleet Management, Pennypinchers,
Plett Tourism / Bitou Municipality,
Robberg Estates, Bobbin Craft,
Environ and