Let the Games Begin

posted by Sacha Specker on 11th October 2008

Today was the official start of the 2008 ISA World Surfing Games in
Costa de Caparica, Portugal.

The ceremony the started with the traditional march-pass where all
teams paraded in front of the local people of Costa de Caparica. This
was followed by the welcoming speech of ISA President, Fernando
Aguerre. The proceedings came to a close with the much anticipated
pouring of the sands, where each team pours a jar of sand from their
home breaks into a display container, creating the amalgamated layers
and colours of the worlds beaches.

The running of heats will start on Sunday the 12th of October and can
be followed live on www.isasurf.org

Big thanks to the South African National LOTTO and Surf South Africa.



Spy DudePierre Marqua
13th October 2008 11:42
how can switzerland compete in surfing? Thats just not right! they dont even have an ocean.
KellyKelly Footit
13th October 2008 10:30
Marc Jucker is riding for Switzerland.
IanIan Thurtell
13th October 2008 08:14
Nice results guys!
quick question... Is Marc Jucker in our team??? cause next to his name it says hes from sweden (SWI) ???

Sacha..nail your next heat, your heat is stacked! nail them!

International Surfing Association News

International Surfing Association
International Surfing Association News

World Surfing Games

World Surfing Games
Event Page
Lee gets copper at ISA World Surfing Games
20th October 2008
World Surfing Games 2008 - Moving into final day.
18th October 2008
World Surfing Games 2008 - Update
16th October 2008
2008 South African Surfing Team depart for the ISA World Surfing Games in Portugal
7th October 2008

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