Beginning of the Blowout contest year

posted by Derek Footit on 3rd February 2004

The BOBC commitee met on Monday 2nd February 2004 and decided to get the ball rolling with the first contest of the year being on 15th Feb 2004. The reason for the commitee getting things going so early is that we always seem to fall short when it comes round to sardine season. With all the hype of the shark nets being taken out earlier and earlier every year, we need to get as many compo's in as we can before they are out again and we lose valuable contest practice before the big compos get going.

As BOBC is on the get go we urge riders to join up as members and save on contest entry fees. This will allow you to get to the compo and know that you will have already been entered into the days event and not have to worry with the formality but rather concentrate on your riding.

There will also be a "Blowout Weekend-Away" soon and you will only be able to attend this weekend if you are a fully paid up member for 2004. So as you can see being a member of BOBC has only got benefits.

Join now and be in for a fun filled year of contests and get aways.



Blowout Bodyboarding Club News

Blowout Bodyboarding Club
Blowout Bodyboarding Club News

Blowout Club Contest #1

Event Page
Blowout Club Contest #1: Uvongo
23rd February 2004
Blowout Club Contest Postponed
11th February 2004

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