David Lilienfeld bags the Boland Junior Champ Title

posted on 15th September 2009

Reef Science Boland Champs Final Results & Kumba Iron Ore Development Clinic Continued ...

Last weekend, 5/6 September 2009, saw the remaining divisions completed at Lambert's Bay's Farmer Burgers, one of the designated contest areas for the REEF SA Champs this year.

Saturday morning kicked off with the development clinic sponsored by Kumba Iron Ore, with blue skies good swell and barely a breath of wind. The clinic is supported by Son Surf who have been introducing the next generation to the sport of body boarding and teaching them how to enjoy and respect the ocean. There has been a very positive response from the youngsters and improvement during the last three clinics. The 'New stoke' of catching your first wave and suddenly experiencing something so amazing that you never knew existed is truly contagious, which was clearly visible from the face of both the coaches and participants. A big thanks to all the Boland members assisting the coaching and life guarding duties as well as Son Surf for their on going support.

The Junior division was the first to paddle out at a (yet again) solid 3-4ft Farmer Burger's. Right off the bat was last year's runner up in the boys division at SA Champs, Mathew "Mafoos" Lombaard, with a Huge roll out of the bowl and landing hard in the flats earning him a 7.5 from the judges. Next was David Lillienfield who answered with an ARS off a good section but got held up in the foam and got scored a 5.5. He also got into the swing of things posting a 7.0 for an tweaked invert out the bowl and landing in the flats. Both David and Chris managed to get their second scoring wave and Mafoos catching his second scoring wave right on the hooter but failing to back up his opening wave.

The DK final saw Mathew 'Pippi' Webster and "Kieff" Keith Millward contending for the DK title. White opened with a long ride speeding down the face to smack a quick turn of the top and tail sliding down for a moment before pulling out posting a 4.5. Blue shortly after caught a few short ride where after he posted a 4.0. Keith had surfed well coming close to landing some heavy floaters but ultimately lacking his second supporting score which gave Pippi the upper hand.

Next heat in the water was the Masters were the upset of the day took place with Len Bradford finishing Third ahead of Marcel Habets. Last years Masters SA Champ, Paul Basson, took the first place and Riaan Du Preez claiming second. Paul pulled off a roll over a thick section and floating through the white water, he kept on repeating during the heat that he could not believe he made the roll. Riaan get some smokers with one outstanding barrel. In the end Paul's current form pulled him through, he is going to be difficult to beat this year at the SA's.

Local lady Wikkie Hunter produced the upset of the Boland champs by beating the WP rider with much more experience, this performance earned Wikkie a place in the Boland team and much is expected of the new comer.

The boy's heat was a one sided affaire, Andre "Tokkie" Blignault caught what must be the bomb of the contest, arguably as good as the bomb Martin Ras got at Caves. He dropped down into a thick heaving slab of a barrel. We all thought there was no way was he going to make it out of there, the lip was going to land on his head, he was way to far out on the flats, the wave kept on sucking and he ended up back dooring it, as he came out riding the foam ball, it heaved up again and he pulled off a perfect roll. Trinstan did his best, but had bad luck with non contestants such as Werner giving him grief in the water. The two other competitors did their best, but Tokkie killed the heat.

A final word of thanks to the sponsors of Boland Champs, Reef and Science, for the incredible prizes for all of the divisions.

Among the Prizes up for grabs:

Reef Tri flex Wetsuits
Reef Thermo vests,
pencil bags
and and and ...



1. David Lilienfeld
2. Chris van der Westhuizen
3. Matthew Lombard
4. Eugene Meyer


1. Paul Basson
2. Riaan du Preez
3. Len Brandford
4. Marcel Habets


1. Matthew Webster
2. Keith Millward


1. Andre Blignualt
2. Tristan Roberts
3. Charl Vlok
4. Jaques de Klerk


1. Wikkie Hunter
2. Jannike de Kock



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Johno Mellish wins Boland Champs
2nd September 2009
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