Landmark moment for IBA

posted by Terry McKenna on 11th October 2010

The IBA World Tour took a quantum leap forward today when a contract was signed between IBA and a new company that will manage the 2011 tour.

"We are about to enter a new era of professionalism" said IBA International General manager Terry McKenna.

"My team has taken the sport as far as we could with the limited resources we had, but this new company (IBA Pty Ltd) will take it to a whole new level."

IBA Pty Ltd is a group of investors lead by Turbo businessman and avid bodyboarder Gregg Taylor. They have a clear and concise plan for the future of the IBA that includes

• A new website and content manager

• A new TV series on each of the GSS events

• A new surfing format and two-tiered system (Grand Slam Series GSS & Global Qualifying series GQS)

• New venues like Tahiti and Mexico as well as Fronton.

The tour was officially handed to the new company yesterday and Gregg Taylor is already off on a plane today heading to Europe to sign new contracts with potential sponsors.

More information and a full-blown youtube clip will be released in the coming weeks explaining the new Tour.


Terry McKenna
General Manager IBA International Inc



BillybusterBilly Tennant
13th October 2010 09:42
Too keen!! All the best..
craigtrilivasCraig Trilivas
12th October 2010 17:32

Cant wait to see whats in store :)

Hopefully this will lead to more exposure on the telly so that people with misconseptions of the sport can see whats REALLY GOIN ON BOOM!!!

Mad proprs to Terry, Gregg and everyone involved!

Too psyched for werdz!

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