Wesley Potts
Neels Smit photo

posted by nlz on Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Wesley Potts



DanWorsleyDaniel Worsley
31st October 2008 18:07
haha.. definately shoula studied!!
cant believe u came 2koel bay also..
u must stay focused and hit the books..
shmodalIshmael Grant
31st October 2008 15:44
hey wes u should of studied buddy!!!haha sick combo
Aadam GrantAadam Grant
29th October 2008 10:10
siiick combo... barrel barrel exit bang
craigtrilivasCraig Trilivas
29th October 2008 09:17
I am officially the bleekest oke on the planet!
One guess who had to giv up the sickest session in order to not look like a doos in his soon to be father & mother in law's eyes & go buy a new stove & cart the old 1 out the whole morning?

Yes.....twas I :(
Kill me.......kill me now!
ElementreeGareth White
29th October 2008 07:46
This was such a sick ride...after coming out of a super long barrel Wes lined up the section and boosted this uber tweaked vert...wave of the day in my books!
Darren CDarren Croxford
29th October 2008 07:01
Now thats a F?#@!*$ng keeper!

Photo Details

Rider:South Africa Wesley Potts photos
Photographer:South Africa Neels Smit photos


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