Jack de Jong photo

posted by BB4life on Tuesday, 21 June 2005

wowww semi secret spot on the false bay side (if you know dont say)...



kimonKimon de Greef
19th May 2006 12:46

signed sealed delivered and there aint a lot you can say about that now is there?

nice shot though
Spy DudePierre Marqua
18th May 2006 15:09
hahhaha, ITS NOT A SECRET!!!!!, and i have only ever seen 2 guys ride it, chappy was one of them and he got bounced all over the rocks. Next thing long beach is gonna be a secret spot. A secret spot is a wave that exsists that only a handful of people know about, they are generally very inaccessable (long hike through mozzie infested swamps or down neck breaking cliffs) or so far away you need to be a millionare to afford the gas to drive out there for a surf. Some waves are secret others arnt, thats all i am saying, and this wave... if you can call it that ,isnt.
BB4lifeJack de Jong
17th May 2006 17:02
Yeah the wall kinda gives it away but anyways... still a nice wave. Pierre your facts are kinda shakey though...
17th May 2006 15:10
If you look carefully you can see the dudes at kalk bay!!
I knw exactly where this is from just looking at the picture!!
DaneDane Stirrat
17th May 2006 12:00
Not that obvious.........???
Spy DudePierre Marqua
17th May 2006 10:06
Secret?????that not secret, thats goblins.... not much of a wave though, in 20 odd years of surfing in that neck of the woods i have only seen about 2 people ever surf it. Ya too close tot he rocks to be deemed a real wave. ppfffwwww
kimonKimon de Greef
16th May 2006 21:07
how secret can that be? the damn harbour wall is right behind it!

MatthewMatthew Botha
16th May 2006 20:27
who cares if it`s close to the rocks, it`s a sick wave! just go!
:::Tomas:::Tomas Degenaar
11th March 2006 22:46
Sick wave! but hav u surfed it? it looks crap close to those rocks!
pukuMike Harris
17th July 2005 17:34
hey thats a sick wave man.and the water colour is sweet

Photo Details

Photographer:South Africa Jack de Jong photos


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