Kalk Bay
Dane Stirrat photo

posted by Muggy Whitelaw on Monday, 29 August 2005

Kalk Bay

Air drop. kalk bay was huge



john O'Sullivan Dwaalajohn O'Sullivan Dwaala
12th September 2005 21:44
huge or not, I still tore my nose cartlidge...................HAHa
DaneDane Stirrat
2nd September 2005 10:53
Sorry bru i was being abit dick about being cool and stuff!!! SORRY!
ya i said this wave about 4-5 foot it was my buddy who put the picture in a said it was "HUGE" but anyway pointless argument!!
MartinMartin Ras
1st September 2005 20:09
No your right i wern't there. But I can see from this pic.Kalkbay is a hot spot i know it takes size. why should sould i try and look cool? Just saying what i am seeing. I hate it when people miss judge a wave size. Why arent you in the pic to big for you:)))Charge it yourself next time boy.
DaneDane Stirrat
31st August 2005 21:04
Ya some of the sets were pretty big and this wave is not huge (huge is abit overated) but this oak dropped from the top to the bottom and landed straight on his stomach and head so he took a flipping bad knock!!!!!! the sets were not 3 foot martin they were +-5-7 foot and thats not a lie unless you were there you wouldn't know so rather dont sound cool by saying its small!!!!
Muggy WhitelawMarc Whitelaw
31st August 2005 09:46
This was an average wave. not the biggest but some of them were at least +- 6 to 8 foot
MartinMartin Ras
30th August 2005 21:12
Looks nice but honestly its not really huge.well it depends on whats big. 3plus minus foot.

Photo Details

Surfspot:Western Province, South Africa Kalk Bay photos
Photographer:South Africa Dane Stirrat photos


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