Kalk Bay
Dane Stirrat photo

posted by Dane on Tuesday, 31 January 2006

Kalk Bay

::Frame Grab:: just exiting a neat barrel at the K. any1 know who this dude is? ......he rips!



Muggy WhitelawMarc Whitelaw
3rd February 2006 08:41
Nah bru its all good!
DaneDane Stirrat
2nd February 2006 19:48
Little bit of both, but ya muggy got me there!!!
Respect my nizzles
Muggy WhitelawMarc Whitelaw
2nd February 2006 10:41
kuk bru i know where u really got that from. From IPP, u know what i mean.
DaneDane Stirrat
1st February 2006 21:42
Just came up with the name in class one day when twiddeling my pen in my fingers in a boring economics class. Caz my surname is STIRRAT and there's ink in the pen so 'STIR THE INK'. Very weird, but ya.
BB4lifeJack de Jong
1st February 2006 18:32
What is "Stir the Ink Images" and what does it mean???

Photo Details

Surfspot:Western Province, South Africa Kalk Bay photos
Photographer:South Africa Dane Stirrat photos


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