Jonathan Oliff at Cave Rock
Jared Schafer photo

posted by jbs on Thursday, 13 April 2006

Jonathan Oliff at Cave Rock

steppy barrel of note...and about 2feet deep. Was nearly runnin over the reef to get in position for the shot.mmmmm reefs....



PinkyKevin Drew
14th April 2006 20:40
Hooray!!!! I love winter!!!!!
jbsJared Schafer
13th April 2006 21:57
yeah its gonna be a rockin winter, lot of sand has moved off the reef, good times for the boogs! Contest should be insane, looks like some nice swell lined up for it also...fingers crossed.
Jared HoustonJared Houston
13th April 2006 19:40
nice guys very nice,changed my perception of the rock..always thought it was sand with arb rocks not rock with arb sand..looks like we could b in for a rckin comp with conditions like these..jared

Photo Details

Rider:South Africa Jonathan Oliff photos
Surfspot:Bluff, Central Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa Cave Rock photos
Photographer:South Africa Jared Schafer photos


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