David van Zyl at Krans
Johan Wahl photo

posted by David van zyl on Friday, 12 May 2006

David van Zyl at Krans




19th June 2007 19:45
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ElementreeGareth White
13th December 2006 17:07
Ya it seems like you gun it!
David van zylDavid van Zyl
13th December 2006 16:56
guy this a site fOr bOdy bOarders, nOt bOdy bOarding cOmmentatOrs! sO until yOu grOw enOugh ballz tO actualy gO intO the water, and shOw pics Of hOw yOU charge, yOur cOmments are wOrth abOut as much as 2 tits and a ball!!!
21st October 2006 23:27
Dude, charging like this could earn you a sponser, so contact me on 083 cuk wave.
Looking foward to hear from u soon!

Photo Details

Rider:South Africa David van Zyl photos
Surfspot:Cape Town, Western Province, South Africa Krans photos
Photographer:South Africa Johan Wahl photos


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