Kalk Bay
Marc Whitelaw photo

posted by Muggy Whitelaw on Friday, 11 August 2006

Kalk Bay




Spy DudePierre Marqua
15th August 2006 13:17
muggy, if yo u ever get the chance to watch alan robbs movie: Cosmic you will see why i wear a gath when shooting in the water. I get taken out in the head by a surfer dropping in on the shoulder whist i was shooting another surfer in a stand up barrel. Didnt see it coming and then the howlee wanted to klap me for gettinhg in the way.. surfers can be such dumbasses sometimes.
Problem with Kbay is the 90% of the crew are kooks.
Muggy WhitelawMarc Whitelaw
15th August 2006 10:07
At one stage i was in waist deep water, curled in a ball trying to protect peters housing from scraping the reef and to top it all off, while just getting under a big wave without being washed back a surfers riders over me and the skeg cuts my head open... oh well its all in a days work and i love it
dcmikeMike Dei-Cont
14th August 2006 11:11
Nice one Muggy! Did you have to scrape the pieces off the reef?!

Photo Details

Surfspot:Western Province, South Africa Kalk Bay photos
Photographer:South Africa Marc Whitelaw photos



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