Sacha Specker at Koeel Bay (Caves)
Marcel Habets photo

posted by Moose on Monday, 4 September 2006

Sacha Specker at Koeel Bay (Caves)




18th June 2007 10:05
Becker stop begin a wanker
Stephan BeckerStephan Becker
1st June 2007 17:04
thats to floris and not hugy by the way!;)
Stephan BeckerStephan Becker
1st June 2007 17:03
ya wateva bru. mighty brave to call ppl you don't know fags. but i'll stop there coz you aint worth S#!T.
hugh grantNathan Wood
1st June 2007 14:40
Your a fag, you fag!!!
1st June 2007 10:56
Nai its just this homes is too good... i hate him like they say hate them or love them. u know whats my choice cant help it! fags..
Stephan BeckerStephan Becker
10th May 2007 16:31
ya bru, considering you've only just joined! think the "gooood guy" is some grass aint it? not too sure. anyway spex is a ripper and can't say he's an ass in the water either. seems pretty was when I surfed with him atleast
MarthinusMarthinus Botha
10th May 2007 16:21
"OOOO and what does "naa not its too much gooood guy that make's him see stuff..." mean?"

hahah.. i was wondering the same thing
ElementreeGareth White
10th May 2007 16:05
Me thinks Floris didn't mean he hates him, me thinks he meant it ironically...kinda like saying. Damn him i wish i was on that wave.
Me don't think harm was intended, but i might be wrong
TiaanKTiaan Kriegler
10th May 2007 14:42
OOOO and what does "naa not its too much gooood guy that make's him see stuff..." mean?
hugh grantNathan Wood
10th May 2007 14:11
Cool man!! I hate him too, just because apparently its cool to do so and for no apparent reason!!
Brother RBrother R
10th May 2007 14:05
naa not its too much gooood guy that make's him see stuff...
chris dChris Dowe
10th May 2007 13:25
saw another guy with white suite and white custom x at llands not so long ago.Maybe confused the 2 guys?
Pi bodyboardsDeon Meyer
10th May 2007 13:13
Bru,why u hate sasha?what has he done to u?
get real bru,cant judge a book by its cover.
sampiSamuel (sampi) Kamffer
10th May 2007 12:38
Yip - pretty hardcore statement to make on a website where thousands of people will see it. Take it easy. Did he burn / snake you surfing or is it one of those testosterone fueled "you stole my girlfriend" kind of things?
Spy DudePierre Marqua
10th May 2007 12:28
shhhesh thats a nice thing to say.. HATE is a powerful word my bru. Spex is a top bloke.
10th May 2007 10:40
i really hate this guy

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