Cobus Oosthuizen at The Wedge (Plett)
Mariana Kamffer photo

posted by sampi on Monday, 18 September 2006

Cobus Oosthuizen at The Wedge (Plett)



craigtrilivasCraig Trilivas
13th March 2008 16:39
this is why im hot,this is why im hot,this is why this is wh.....
scorpioKevin Morley
24th May 2007 08:54
Apologize One of the top 5 inverts on site.
Keep them coming
byron777Byron Versfeld
24th May 2007 07:22
you must be joking scorpio.compact?what the hell you on about?crazy invert in my opinion.
scorpioKevin Morley
23rd May 2007 23:29
Nice move Pity about the style
It really looks so much better when you guys control it in the air. Compact
MurphmanEvan Schutte
23rd May 2007 21:29
That's what i call BIG!! nice cobi
ElementreeGareth White
23rd May 2007 19:37
Sick, sick, sick!

Spot the science advert!
jbsJared Schafer
23rd March 2007 11:46
thats freakin awesome! hope u made it...
dcmikeMike Dei-Cont
19th September 2006 15:58
what a boost! awesome skills b!
KleavageJoshua Kleve
19th September 2006 15:23
Thats the kind of wedge we need more of... Sick one man!
Spy DudePierre Marqua
19th September 2006 13:03
am so loving this seqence.... sick invert bru.
Werner AWerner Adendorff
18th September 2006 22:20
thats sic!

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