Los Lobos
Kelly Footit photo

posted by Kelly on Tuesday, 17 October 2006

Los Lobos

Fuerteventura 1997



KellyKelly Footit
18th October 2006 13:07
There is not much on the island apart from a small fishing village and restaurant which I never did see, so everyone arrives on a ferry at about 10:00 to surf ... but you can camp overnight and score it empty before and after the ferry ... this was us about to hit an early one. The wave wraps around the side of this extinct volcano (which shelters it from the wind), before hitting the inside section where you get some freight train barrells --- on the really big days it apparantly joins up with another wave further down the reef.
dcmikeMike Dei-Cont
18th October 2006 08:28
rolling rolling and rolling and no one out!?

Photo Details

Surfspot:Fuerteventura, Canary Islands Los Lobos photos
Photographer:South Africa Kelly Footit photos


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