Robert Starke at Koeel Bay (Caves)
Peter Lambert photo

posted by Peter Lambert on Wednesday, 18 October 2006

Robert Starke at Koeel Bay (Caves)

Schnap It!!!! - WP Champs 2006



KellyKelly Footit
20th October 2006 13:24
[admin comment] Rider name updated.
20th October 2006 08:15
Hi Peter, just to confirm that is me.
Jared HoustonJared Houston
18th October 2006 17:00
haha josh you sad sod..
KleavageJoshua Kleve
18th October 2006 15:56
yeah its rob... i caught the closeout before this wave and watched him (in dismay) execute this sick cutty in the pocket. Nice rob!
Jared HoustonJared Houston
18th October 2006 10:20
looks like robert starke to me..
Peter LambertPeter Lambert
18th October 2006 09:44
Can anyone help me with who this is? I think its from the DK final, pretty late in the day...

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