ODB Update - South Africa

Author: Brandon Foster

23rd July 2004

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The South Africa Contest tour draws to an end for me with the Vodacom Kwa-Zulu Natal Contest and Custom X Plettenburg Bay Contest coming to an end. We all had good times with at the two biggest bodyboarding events in South African History. The riders over here are ripping with just 12 year olds even going for reverse 360’s in the contests. I recommend that anyone interested in competing in some contests with good waves, waiting periods, huge beach festivals, contest award evenings and TV coverage come to SA. I mean the prize money is ok for South Africans but with the exchange rate its not that great for all overseas guys but it will be way, way, way worth it in good times, exposure and waves wise.

Well after mission drives up and down the coast and hours behind the wheel, I am soooooooo amped I have a few sick waves under my belt and some nugget photos so get off your asses and get to SA next year for the best contest tour in my books in the world…………… Well while I wait to leave for Australia to meet the boys for the NF tour up the Coast (watch out), I have been scoring sick Cave Rock and North Beach as well as having some good times. Have also just done a Christian outreach/Custom X promo where I got to speak to a huge group of groms about my travels and life. God really hooked the night up with 3 sick bands big screens and pro sound light and smoke guys. Was sooooooooooooooo epic…….

Next up is the No Friends tour of east OZ so come to the events and chill with all the boys for OC good times. Look out for the Hawaii David Hubbard mobile hitting a beach near you too as I will be cruising with them too.


PS. Claim of the trip to SA was my last night out on the town when I was chatting to this beautiful girl and here girlfriend came up and was supposed to whisper but said loud by mistake. “DO YOU NEED HELP” then gave me the glare sooooooooooooooo funny I look so scary that girlfriend asked her mate if she needed to be rescued from me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOOD TIMES I LOVE MY MULLET AND STASH…

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Christian outreach/Custom X Promo

Christian outreach/Custom X Promo

Christian outreach/Custom X Promo

Christian outreach/Custom X Promo

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