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Far Bowl

Far BowlFar BowlFar BowlFar BowlFar Bowl


Province:Central Kwa-Zulu Natal
Country:ZA   South Africa
Classification:Beach Break
Predominant Wave:Lefts/Rights
Swell Range:2-4 ft



craigtrilivasCraig Trilivas
3rd September 2010 16:37
Yo Clint, I will be up there end of September for SA Champs (supporting)
Hopefully make xmas as well.

Would be cool to catch up with the guys that still reside.
clintcoopsClinton Cooper
3rd September 2010 15:37
Just wondering whatever happened to all the ou's i surfed alongside in them old days....Going to be back for Xmas and definately going to surf the FB a couple of days for sure.....Would be good to hook up with a few okes.....Lemme know ya'll.....Ciao
craigtrilivasCraig Trilivas
31st July 2009 09:11
Haha and DHS okes :)
Must have been after a migration of the group from 94-96 left that the Northwood peeps took over or sumthing cos I cant remember too many of them when I was there bar a few good men.
Remember the NBK?
Ag all us boogers were mates really hey its just that all the boys who were entering the contests hung out at North, except for Brendan Thomas who hung out at The Bay Upside down umbrella with us most weekends :)

Best times!
SPKSimon Kotze
31st July 2009 02:06
A guy called Ryan Edwards was local too, had a lumo orange BZ hubb with white seamless rails. Always popping inverts. Pinetown shminetown. Far Bowl was full of Northwood Boys...
craigtrilivasCraig Trilivas
30th July 2009 12:22
A couple names that RL left out there, me being one but he's right.
Those were the days.
Rossi was also one :)
In fact its crazy how many of those locals were from Pinetown!
SmTSean Tickner
30th July 2009 12:13
Izzy and Ricky are both into Surfing now, Pierre and Jacques I haven't seen for ages!
SPKSimon Kotze
30th July 2009 05:26
Ricky Laidlaw, man that guy used to rip....whatever happened to him? And Izaan's 2 younger brothers were starting to rip aswell...cant remember their names.
JdVJason Duvenage
18th December 2007 19:03
But times change and so do the locals at every spot. the old crew fades and a new one moves in..most of the the list mentioned seldomly if ever surf there fact most of the new generation of north beach riders spend most of their time up and down the coast these days, chasing bigger and heavier waves.
Spy DudePierre Marqua
18th December 2007 15:17
Bad brad from big brother 1, a local at far bowl... wow, thats as mad as henkus being related to ferdi rabie.

So where is swerve a local at then?

Actually Lara from BB1 is jack plumsteads sister...

mmm seems the whole BB1 team has bodyboarding connections.. cool.
18th December 2007 15:10
I think it's silly that people can just claim to be locals at any spot they put in their profile. Apart from Clint Cooper, Anrew Conradt & the Friedman Bros, I don't know a single person on that list. Here is, as far as I can remember, a list of the true locals of a once legendary spot. Clint Cooper, Bad Brad, Ben Gohl, Marcel, Danny, Strad & Kyle, Simon & Nick Berin, Brad(DK), Ivan & Ray Friedman, Ricky Laidlaw, Izaan Venter, Leroy Price, Jaque & Pierre Venter, Duncan & Andrew Conradt, Greg Keegan, Warren Bain, Phil Botha, Kevin & Mervyn Pearman, Shaun & Steven Bands, Rob Bailey, Michelle Van Schuur, Sharon Roos, Sheralyn Blakeney, Kelly Williamson. Any i forgot, sorry. It was so long ago that FB had real locals....
Iv@n FriedmanIvan Friedman
26th January 2005 00:21
Bowl wave, alongside pier. North side of North Beach.

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