- Chasing Dreams Trailer

21st April 2008 ColinvanDongen

An extensive travel documentary to be featured on the Extreme Channel Europe and the United Kingdom that has been narrated by top professionals and free-surfers with a passion and desire for the ocean. It captures a unique and original look into the lifestyle that we live. This will leave audiences with the urge to get out there and see more of the world. This movie has a positive edge which focuses on the diversity, the Extreme and the reasons why Bodyboarding is pulling people everywhere into the ocean. There is a global focus on the environment and how we should protect it and work on the sustainability of our natural resources and oceans.

This is a story of dreams and travelling the world to find the ultimate wave. The locations covered include Hawaii, Mexico, Portugal, Canary Islands, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Western Samoa and South Africa. Right from the ancient ruins in Oaxaca Mexico to the deep jungles of Indonesia you find some of the most diverse and rich cultures in the world and the surf spots that produce endless perfect rides for our enjoyment.

It features the Explosion in Bodyboarding around the world as an Extreme Sport.

> The Monster Swells that hit Hawaii's North Shore and Portugal in the last two years
> The International World tour Event at Pipeline (IBATOUR)
> Tom Lochtefeld's International Flowriders and World Pro Billy Tennant
> The First ever water footage from Waimea Shorebreak (Hawaii)
> Other top action water sequences from infamous surf breaks such as Cave Rock (South Africa), Keiki Shorebreak (Hawaii), Puerto Escondido (Mexico) and Padang-Padang (Indonesia)

Bodyboarders thrive on riding the heaviest waves on the planet, and the Bodyboard can be seen as the perfect tool for Surf Travelers and Extremists wanting to ride heavy waves and perform maneuvers that aren't possible on surfboards without the need for tow-in gear. This features a Top International Cast which includes World champions, Mike Stewart, Jeff Hubbard, Guilherme Tamega, Paolo Barcelos and many other Professionals which are pushing the Bodyboarding envelope every day and are performing aerial moves which are not seen by other water sports in the ocean.

How is this different to other Documentaries?

The Documentary has been filmed with HD Land, Pole and Water Cameras and has been edited in stunning HD 1080p at a massive resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. This features three years of the best action sequences obtained from around the world. There are also many extensive Motion Graphics sequences, Tracked and Stabilization Treatments to water footage, Green screening and 2D/3D Composition Techniques which will make it a forerunner to any other Documentary on the market today.



ColinvanDongenColin van Dongen
27th April 2008 13:33
DVD, Blu-ray and Merchandise will be available. :) From most stores, Factory7 and
ColinvanDongenColin van Dongen
27th April 2008 13:25
Thanks for the comments G-man!

You can download the trailer from the website.. Just do a search for then you can download the trailer.

I will definitely make a plan for downloads in the future for purchase.
Thats the future. If you are going to buy Bluray or HDDVD you will need a 1. Bluray HDDVD Player
2. HDReady 1080 p/i monitor

Rockon buddy Goodtimes :)
KellyKelly Footit
24th April 2008 19:43
I've watched the 10 minute pilot on an HD monitor and watching bodyboarding in HD is pretty mental - you won't want to go back. I believe the plan is to have some on sale on Blu-Ray - be warned though, I think it is still fairly expensive to put it on Blu-Ray but well worth it.

If you want to see productions like these then they do need to sell DVDs. If you haven't got your copy of PTP2 or Hollow::Cast then get out there and grab a copy for your DVD collection.
24th April 2008 18:53
Friggin INSANE man
The editing is 10/10 and the footage is 11/10!!

Will this be available as a download by any chance, or even sold as a DVD.. i would do anything to get the eps on DVD in full HD quality :D
Muggy WhitelawMarc Whitelaw
22nd April 2008 21:31
This is the future of bodyboarding videography and editing!
shamiercShamier Croeser
22nd April 2008 11:53
Freakin Awsom!!!!!!!! wen will this vid be available in stores???
DarkhorseBruce Meissner
22nd April 2008 08:44
that looks too sick!

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