4th July 2008 dcmike
We are a whole one year old, it seems like just yesterday we were brought kicking and screaming into the world to fill the void left by our predecessors. As I look back over the highs (many of these) and lows (not too many of these, but some) of the previous year I am struck with an overwhelming love for the sport and the creative individuals that the sport produces.
Our aim at the magazine is to portray the sport in the way we as bodyboarders see it, and I hope we're doing it justice. On that note issue 5 is action packed with the annual pilgrimage of the boys to the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Our Create section speaks to DK ripper Dominic De Jesus, we have a beginners look at bodyboarding through the eyes of a woman ("A Saffer in cold waters) and we catch up with that crazy cat and Big Wave Award winner, James Moolenschot and how he and tow partner, Peter Lambert, bought a rubber duck to find some waves.
On behalf of the guys at the mag I would like to thank every single one of our supporters and we look forward to bringing you more action from SA and around the world.
Enjoy! ed. [Ian Kruger]