Travel 2,765 views
Spy Dude wrote:
1) actually being able to earn enough bucks to goto hawaii(after like 5yrs)
2) not to be exploited(i was raped!)
3) no racial predidice (how ever its spelt)(i think its prejudice)
4) cheap tickets to anywhere(yeah kinda)
5) the canary islands is just down the road(got skunked)
6) to actually have a choice in what clothes you can buy(bahaa, thats it, i'm going back, coz my cupboard is just not cool enough)
7) a whole range of beers and wines from everywhere(fuck that!they dont have crackling AND they dont have black label!)
SA becomes a cheap holiday destination(huh?)
9) way less crime(ja, chav's are so much better)
10) public transport that kinda works(transporting the lemmings to the cliff)
11) a more stable petrol price(they paying like R13.50 a litre)
12) way cooler TV channels(coz thats all there is to do)
13) very very cheap internet(hu-frikkin-ray)
14) cops that actually care and do their jobs(pssssh)
15) a rugby team that is picked on merit and not skin colour(whats rugby?)
16) the ability to actually progress in a company and not be overlooked cos of your skin colour(whats with all this 'skin colour' talk???)
17) to goto a soccer game and not get mugged(do u know where soccer hooligans come from?)
18) real close to amsterdam (fair enough.good point!)
19) woman from all 4 corners of the planet who arnt stuck up bitches like SA chicks -- sorry ladies if that offends you... do a little traveling and you will see what i mean -- beleive it cos its truuuuuu.(true!us africans are "exotic" over them seas)
20) a health system that works... well kinda, the NHS is still better than groote skuur.(get a plaster)
thats 20 just off the top of my head.