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Reasons why we bodyboard

  • Spy Dude
    September 2007
    1) We can get barreled on anything

    2) Bodyboards fit in the boot of a car

    3) Bodyboarding and Mtn biking use the same muscle groups

    4) We get in deeper

    please feel free to add to this list!!

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43 Replies

  • SmTSmT
    September 2007
    Waimea Shorey, enough said :D
  • ChilternburtChilternburt
    September 2007
    More variation to tricks..
  • Rashieq
    September 2007
    Bigger balls :D :D
  • troyhiggins
    September 2007
    1)MUCH bigger variation of tricks
    2)Can really tackle any section
    3)Cant really snap a bodyboard that easliy
    4)Dont have to worry about creasing the nose
    5)Dont really need to wax up your board
    6)Dont need to worry about getting cup up by your skegs
    7)Dont need to worry about getting your eye gouged out
    8)Dont need to worry about getting your head split open
    9)Can easily ride over someone without causing too much damage

    is that enough....i could go on?
  • misfit
    September 2007
    So, its because its safer?
  • Marthinus
    September 2007
    Because bodyboarding is better than surfing, plain and simple :wink:
  • Spy Dude
    September 2007

    shheeessh please children lets not let this slip into another "I HATE SURFERS" fucking string.... its so fucking childish ..... :evil: lame, boring and said before.

    I posted this string cos i wanted to see why people bodyboard.

    Like i dig the fact that i can (actually could when things were safer and i was a lighty who didnt have a car[1980's]) hitchhike to jbay no worries cos my board always fitted in everywhere, boot, roof, under your bum, on your back.

    Heres anther reason i bodyboard: Coiled leashes.. your board is always next to you after a heavy wipe out.
  • Spy Dude
    September 2007
    actually i beg to differ on the variation of tricks. In releation to what.. surfing? skateboarding? snowboarding? That is lank debateable. But this isnt a debate, its about opinions.

    I bodyboard cos its better than golf, chess and lawn bowls.
  • misfit
    September 2007
    Yep. Skating and snowboarding have a plethora of switch stuff available.

    As with skating though, even though there are thousands of tricks, the reason I skate is not because of the amount of stuff that can be done trick wise. I enjoy learning stuff but its taken more of a "different things to skate" approach lately. I don't BB but I'd guess that its going in the same direction with regards to warped waves etc. Would be nice to see someone mention that.
  • Spy Dude
    September 2007
    another reason.. bodyboard bags rock, they hold your board, fins, towel, wetsuit and stash and it fits on your back like a backpack.... Perfect when you are hiking to gaschambers, climbing the 1001 stairs of dias or dodging the Ticks at kokkerot.
  • Spy Dude
    September 2007
    you just did misfit....

    Cyclops, Tant, shark island, donkey kong island, kokerot, salty doggs.. to name a few....
  • Spy Dude
    September 2007
    another reason i bodyboard.... the bodyboarding community, from us ballies to the groms, we are all happy in the water (well most of the time) the grumpy agro vibe that exsists amongst stand ups doesnt really factor into bodyboarding

    eg: Kalk bay, low tide, 20 boogers on the peak -- 5 locals and 15 guests...
    the vide: Shits and giggles, okes pushing one another, hooting, smiles, laughs, converstation.

    Saddly the same cant be said when its 10 surfers out, they are all hating one anther and hating anything else that isnt a surfer.. boogers, sharks, fishermen, seals, sea gulls, themselfs.

    Its a vibe thing.. and i love it.
  • Marthinus
    September 2007
    Spy Dude wrote:

    shheeessh please children lets not let this slip into another "I HATE SURFERS" £*#&ing string.... its so £*#&ing childish ..... :evil: lame, boring and said before.

    Woooooooooooosaaa, wheres your sense of humor today Spy dude? :shock:
  • Steve
    September 2007
    i was out at off the wall at kalkbay with ian thurtull(sorry bad spelling) nd muggy and it was crazy just watching wat bodyboarders can do that nobody else can just huge air forwards an stuff like that an have yu ever seen a surfer at kalkbay off the wall doing mad stuff like that?
  • hugh grant
    September 2007
    I boogey to get rid of the betty's!! Got them hanging around me 24/7!! Need them to tone down a bit!!
  • Steve
    September 2007
    gud joke hahahahaahhaahahhahhhahahahahahaha
    yu wish brah
  • JmoJmo
    September 2007
    I dig bodyboarding because you can ride 1ft waves and 20ft waves with the same board and fins. So versatile.

    And I totally agree with Spy on the vibe in the water thing, bodyboarders are mostly a super fun crowd to surf with.
  • Spy Dude
    September 2007
    Sorry matinus... jumped the gun there a little.. i wanted to nip it in the bud so to speak, sorry if i sound harsh to you... :oops:
  • hugh grant
    September 2007
    Who's joking mr. McWilliams??
  • ChilternburtChilternburt
    September 2007
    Spy Dude wrote:

    I bodyboard cos its better than golf......

    no its not... Golf is wicked for FLAT days... besides who's richer Els or Taylor... kidding...
  • Spy Dude
    September 2007
    dude.. golf sux
  • hugh grant
    September 2007
    You just admitted golf is only good for flat days!! So you yourself agree bodyboarding is better!!
  • hugh grant
    September 2007
    **** I hate***** *** *** *** quotes!! Dumb **** ******* idiotic quotes!! /?.<*]!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH
  • peterbee
    September 2007
    1) Dias.
    Bodyboarding makes Dias make sense, if you get me.

    2) Life after creasing

    3) Getting slapsack on the kelp and water....

    ... okay maybe not the last one :?
  • Francois
    September 2007
    I love the people who bodyboard, I love being able to take off on a really shallow reef, I love my board, I love the moves, I love the vibe, I love other boogers going crazy in the water, I love the learning from other boogers... I love being able to chuck a crap load of boards in the back of a trunk. I love exploring... I love the spots that only we can surf- that's a big one for me. I love the look in a surfer's eyes as we bust big moves. I love sharing the spirit... :wink:
  • Marthinus
    September 2007
    No, no worries Spy, i was wrong :wink:
  • JAMES bye
    September 2007
    i love bodyboarding on youriding
  • bboard1
    September 2007
    I love bodyboarding cause it's a jol and.
    You can take off later, Get bigger air and just have an all round jol.
    I also bodyboard cause it pisses off the rest of my family who are all surfers.
  • the king
    September 2007
    i bodyboard because when you roll or invert...all the chicks dig it hahaha...and when you come out of the water..the chicks think a roll is so awesome and a invert is half a backflip...hahaha..and when you spin they ask are you alright it looked like you broke your back..awes!!!o and when theres a party..everyone gets drunk :shock: and you get to chill with ian, jp, johnny, byron and steve(NOT!! :D ) HAHA....OFF THE WALL IS THE SICKEST AND SURFERS CANT SURF IT MUAHAHAHA..and surfers cant surf chicken n cheese!!! :lol:
  • lyle
    October 2007
    i do it because its fun :wink:
  • lyle
    November 2007
    i was reminded this past weekend why and how i started bodyboarding. i surfed a spot known for its shorebreak. pulling into perfect 2 foot barrels getting bombed into a sand bar is good times! this was how i got into the sport. awsome memories! we get so one track minded in chasing the big swell that we end up missing these good times of smaller swell, they the reason we started after all. just having fun!

    "a true man never knows where he is going, but never forgets where he has come from."

    a cheesy saying i once heard!
  • JmoJmo
    November 2007
    Bodyboards don't get banned by airlines... sweet.
  • Steve
    November 2007
    plett wedge is much more of a bodyboarders wave and surfers always get cut and cut other people bodyboards dont and its so much easier to get down the train track at kalk bay.

    shorys gotta luv them barreled closed out on and spat out on the sand
    its all gud!
  • that NINJA kid
    November 2007
    OR those days when it's not even surfing that gets you amped...

    Think flattish summer days in the heat where your heels are blistered before you get to the waters edge and there's not even much wind to cool you down, you're sweating and dreaming of how good it would be if there was just some swell and then theres that first open eyed, super-clean water duck dive makes you giggle underwater just because you know you've found the worlds best way to cool down...
  • Steve
    November 2007
    run out
  • ronald911ronald911
    June 2011
    Bodyboarder for Life! :D
  • Super_Dude
    June 2011
    I tried it for the 1st time end December / Start January...

    I hired a suit, board, find and wetsuit... The atmosphere is just something you cant describe when you are in the water waiting for the right wave...

    It is something I wanted to feel again and again and again... (that is 1 of the reasons)

    I am not any good at bodyboarding BUT I love it!! Getting on a wave... riding it...

    There is nothing else like it...

    Its my drug and keeps me sane... :mrgreen: oh and gym... haha
  • that NINJA kid
    June 2011
    Being good doesn't matter dude!
    Sounds like you're hooked and that's good to hear!
  • Super_Dude
    June 2011
    Would help to be better... Looks like fun to do some tricks... especially the airs!!! :mrgreen:
  • that NINJA kid
    June 2011
    It gets easier the more time you put in, just like anything else!
    Watch videos, read magazines and surf as much as you can!

    Airs and making barrels etc will come with time and tenacity!

    Happy Surfing dude!
  • ronald911ronald911
    July 2011
    I wanna see a surfer, that surfs TAND without losing a skeg and breaking his board!
    Pure Booger wave :D
  • bakerzakes
    July 2011
    That feeling you get on a hot summers day, slight South Easter, glassy icy atlantic, duck diving 4ft bombers at the hoek on a low tide....... PRICELESS! Its hard to explain it to a land dweller...... I get asked, what about the sharks?are you MAD its winter! its raining! Well winter is when the swell pumps my friend.... get with the program, our minds think differently! :lol:
  • lyle
    July 2011
    Ronald, that is such a sick wave! Definitely a booger wave!!!! :mrgreen:

    Baker, I get those same questions, what about sharks, its cold, you'll get sick, the seas are too big and rough etc etc!
    our minds think differently!
    yes they do!!! :mrgreen:
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