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Need some Advice on forward spins please!

  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    January 2008

    Well I'm not the best bodyboarder around so And I'm trying to get a 360 right. And need some advice as to what I'm doing wrong.

    I do the 360 but i end up coming back over the lip....

    Maybe my timing is wrong or my positioning on the waves face??

    It was a small day at yellows.

    Heres me: (Let the Animations load abit)

    Heres the ride and 360.


    Heres the 360 Slowed down.


    Any advice???


Coaching 4,185 views

17 Replies

  • ElementreeElementree
    January 2008
    I'm no pro, but i'd say that those waves were a bit too small and spinning on smaller waves is tough...

    Other than that try spinning earlier on the smaller waves, more in the "critical" section (where the wave has it's most power) and try looking in the direction you'd like to turn, using your body to help by shifting your balance in that direction.

  • ElementreeElementree
    January 2008
    Oh yeah and instead of just lifting your legs out of the water...try giving a solid boost in the direction (use your fins to do most of the rotation) you'd like to turn and at the same time take your legs out of the water.

    If that makes any sense...
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    January 2008
    Thanks will try it.

    One other thing, On faster/bigger waves if i try to spin i just loose control once i reach the 180 degree and fall off my board.
  • MichelleDaniels
    January 2008
    Agreed. Maybe on the bigger waves, attempt the execution of the spin earlier, charging at the critical point and crossing legs through-out maneuver for added momentum. Leaning into it, but shifting weight--back arched and crossed feet. Sounds like you might be catching an edge. Proper weight distribution on a body board will allow you to spin 360 degrees on the face of the wave. Jeff Hubbard use to and might still have a cool bodyboarding, instructional page to all the maneuvers. I can't find the link at the moment(frustrated as *%&$ with google searches anymore) but here is something under the "Jeff Hubbard" listings that might be of help in attaining that 360--possibly stolen from his site since it came up in my search:

    How to Do a 360 on a Bodyboard:

    Step One:
    Turn low on the wave and carve up the face at a 45-degree angle toward the lip. Make sure you have plenty of speed and some open face of the wave ahead.
    Step Two:
    Wind up your feet and torso in the opposite direction of the way you want to spin. It's easier to spin toward the lip of the wave, so if you are riding left, spin left, and vice versa.
    Step Three:
    Release your rail from the wave so the bottom surface of your board is flat on the wave.
    Step Four:
    Unwind your body, lifting your feet up and swinging them in the direction you want to spin. Also turn your head and shoulders in the direction you want to spin. Where your head goes, your body will follow.
    Step Five:
    Lean over the front of the board as you reach the halfway point of your turn. This will keep your tail, which is now facing forward, from digging into the water and halting your forward progress. Arch your back and bend your knees up as far as they will go to keep the weight over the nose.
    Step Six:
    Shift your weight back to the center of your board as you reach the three-quarter point of the spin, and begin lowering your feet back down to their normal riding position.
    Step Seven:
    Lean your inside rail back into the wave and finish out the spin like a regular turn.

    Tips & Warnings:
    This trick is easier on the steeper part of the wave, but be careful not to catch the lip where it pitches out.
    You can dig a hand into the water to help you spin if you have a hard time getting around. If you're spinning left, dig your left hand in, palm forward.

    Jeff's site is so much better because,I remember it shows the point on the wave to execute maneuver's including explicit instructions.
    Maybe someone else has the link. I use to, but our desk top computer died and so much as gone on-- :wink:
    Love your sweet, small vids, by the way!
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    January 2008
    Thanks for the advice.
  • ElementreeElementree
    January 2008
    MichelleDaniels wrote:
    You can dig a hand into the water to help you spin if you have a hard time getting around. If you're spinning left, dig your left hand in, palm forward.

    Ha ha lol...i'm all for reviving the 80's!

    Bring on old school!


  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    January 2008
    Nah, When it comes to border trials hand rags( Using your hand for a 360 ) don't count.
  • MichelleDaniels
    January 2008
    Ha ha lol...i'm all for reviving the 80's!

    Bring on old school!


    OK, In all honesty. I didn't even see/read that in my hurried fury of an attempt to post and to get much accomplished today, since I will be out of commission the next couple--so hard to pull away from this site and research as well--it's addicting--but I must!
    Didn't want you to assume that the "hand drag" is acceptable here, on down the road, in comps either. As you become accustomed to the feel of the spin and may have difficulty initiating, even with the foot, I think it was probably put in there as a beginner prompt--eventually doing away with or as Gareth said, reminiscent of the 80's. Hehehe!
    Arrgghhh, I've got to get some stuff done today! :idea:
  • Spy Dude
    January 2008

    Hand drags are the only way....
    next you tell me cut backs dont count too.....
  • peterbee
    January 2008
    There was some good advice to avoid the pitching lip, else you get flipped like a beetle, but something that really helps, esp. on smaller (i.e. safer) waves, is to time your spin that you start hitting the lip just after passing the 180 deg point - it just naturally completes your spin for you, nice and tight into the pocket :D
  • Len at ScienceLen at Science
    January 2008
    hi peter what is smaller waves to you, 8 feet
  • papa-dpapa-d
    January 2008
    Ok NEWB,

    I took some time to examine your spin and the posts by other users and yes evrything that they have said is correct and will give you assistance to what you are ultimately trying to do!

    What I can say though is that, through your efforts of trying, you have done everything correctly. Saying that, I mean that you have done the basics correctly. You have the rotation of the spin, you start looking in the direction of the turn, you lift your legs and start to cross them as well as pulling your weight forward onto the board. Well done you!

    Now all you need to do is fine tune this by means of PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

    You'll see that the help given will be invaluable when fine tuning this skill and to lay it out simply for you from all the valuable quotes before me.

    1. Start spinning earlier, closer to the breaking wave.
    2. Pull your body forward arching your body into the turn.
    3. Look in the direction of the spin.
    4. Crossing your legs over, gives you better momentum and style.
    5. Keeping your elbow firmly stationed on the board gives you control in exiting the spin.

    A little personal advice from when I was battling to do spins was to turn a little down the face of the wave, almost like a small cut back to give you momentum down the face of the wave and then try the spin. This gives you a bit of help in smaller waves as you then have momentum with the wave now instead of accross it.

    Best of luck to you.
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    January 2008
    Papa d, Thanks, Aren't you Derek from factory7??

    Recently bought a board from you. A science MS3. loving it soooo much!
  • papa-dpapa-d
    January 2008
    That is correct.

    Glad to hear that the board's going so well. Keep practicing bud, you're on the right track...


  • peterbee
    January 2008
    Shot for the compliment, Len, but I reckon you're thinking of Peter Lambert; 8 foot ALways feels pretty frikking big to me!
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    March 2008
    Ja i agree with Derek.
    Have u ever noticed a good rider just before doing a forward spin he/she points the nose of the board in the opposite direction just b4 they start the move?
    Its like Derek said,like a small split second cutback that gives u more momentum just b4 u get into the actual spin itself.
    I dunno its just sumthin i hav noticed all these yrs and it looks like it works beautifully.
    Give it a go,maybe it'll work 4 u.

    Keep practising bro.
    Soon it'll be 2nd nature :D
  • lyle
    March 2008
    what every said is true. you need to be much closer to the lip though. im no pro but can spin on 1 foot slop with the help of a lip. plus i throw my weight like someone previous mentioned. im also abit sceptical about all that spray i see from when you dig you rail in to spin, you lose alot of speed there. dunno what id suggest though. practice more. i couldnt spin for like3/4 years and then one day it just worked. i find i never slide forward enough on my board, but that was me.
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