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Second hand surf/bodyboard shop

  • bodyboardbeginner
    February 2008
    Hi guys, wanna start first need to get a board. Does anyone know of any good second hand surf shops in Cape Town where I can find myself a bodyboard? Thanks.

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16 Replies

  • SebSeb
    February 2008
    wat kind of board u looking for and in wat price range??
  • rickyrabbott
    February 2008
    duck n dive milnerton.....there by sally kramers,,,haha.
    if its still there.

    atlantic surf table view round the corner from primi piati.

    otherwise the for sale forum on this websight.

    london under my unbrella
  • razorrazor
    February 2008
    I have a science one you can have for R300. :)
  • bodyboardbeginner
    February 2008
    Razors board sounds like a good deal...what do u guys think?
  • JmoJmo
    February 2008
    A shop called Second Surf has a branch in Fish Hoek and in Table View, last time I checked they had some decent looking boards...
  • peterbee
    February 2008
    Sheesh, Razor is offering THE deal! Unless the board is seriously warped, dog-chewed or was driven over by a Humvee full of overweight stand-ups (what IS it with these guys, why do they always need GIANT bakkies?), go for it and save your spare cash for second hand suit, fins etc (even the leash will set you back a cool 100). No ways the 2nd hand shops will compete with this price.

    Check the board out for the following: general damage, waterlogging, serious delamination, etc. Lay it, bottom down, on a flat surface - if the edges warp upwards but not noo much (the ideal for an experienced rider is flat, but for a beginner a bit of warp is useful), hey it's only R300! But if it warps downwards, i.e. the underside is hollow, spend a bit extra on a better board.

    Then there's the usual stuff about board size: the general rule is get the nose within 2 inches (roughly 5cm) of your belly button, above or below. But if you are overweight or built like a brick shithouse, your board size needs to accomodate for that. Don't worry about shape, i.e. bat tail etc, for two reasons: it's your first board, so it won't make a difference till you're more experienced anyway; and at R300, why be choosy!
  • bodyboardbeginner
    February 2008
    Hi razor, sent you a pm.
  • dcmike
    February 2008
    I have a brand new Science Tom Robinson still in the plastic. (Unwanted gift and I need the cash) - They retail for R1800 apparently... going for R1200-00 - any offers? Tamboerskloof area.
  • razorrazor
    February 2008
    Hey dude.
    Emailed you.
    Board is in an okay condition.
    No delamination got slight elbow creases.
    Reason i'm selling is it has a nasty cut in it from a surfers fin.
    It was glued up with hot glue and should be good as new.
    Either way there is no contest between the MS1 and the reef boards you looking.
    Forgot to mention in the email it is a 42.5.
  • dcmike
    February 2008
    Oh, also forgot Tom Robinson is a 41.5 - And it's not that I don't want the board! I just have a wad of unexpected bills and it's the only way out...
    Hi ho, hi ho - it's off to work I go!

  • February 2008
    wow mike, where did you steal that from?! just kidding, sounds like a good deal for both boards there!!
  • dcmike
    February 2008
    Haha! Marky! Nah, it was an exchange for some photography work I did but as you know, peanut butter and jam on a bodyboard sandwhich don't taste so lekker and leaves you lank bloated!
  • SebSeb
    February 2008
    hey bro i have a... BZ hubb graphic, Red deck, graphic bottom, 41.5 length and its the 2006 model.. its got no creases and is in pretty much perfect condition.. its going for 500 rand.. if u intererested let me no..
  • Russell ClelandRussell Cleland
    November 2015
    Bru, size? condition?
  • Abdul Lateef LiveseyAbdul Lateef Livesey
    December 2015
    Awe guys I'm looking to buy 2 body boards,2 wet suits and two pairs of fins I need a 42" board Xl wet suit Size 11 fin Then for the lady 38" board L wet suit Size 6 fin If anybody can assist with a combo deal that would be great My number for whatsapp is 0612649832 thanks
  • Mariet SmitMariet Smit
    July 2016
    Yes dcmike where is tmboerskloof ?

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