SebFebruary 2008Hey, just wondering if any1 is going to Bali this june/july??
February 2008
Keen to go in September but might go in June/July
February 2008
Yea going in june/july holidays! cant wait!

SebFebruary 2008sweet... im planning to go.. SO amped!

hav u guys been ther b4?
February 2008
Na, will be my first time

SebFebruary 2008do u guys no of any places 2 stay... and wats important to organise its a the first surf trip im doing.. Thanks
February 2008
also my first time, super ampd, apparently its best to stay around places as close as possible to padang padang, cheap accomadation! iv you want to book before you go you'le probly have to stay in hotels in the kuta area.. see you there!
JmoFebruary 2008Heaps of info on the net about indo guys so do some searches, but the basics like getting shots for Hep A & B and Malaria are important because you need to plan that long before you go.
February 2008
best site for bali is the ever updating
ask slim for any advise and he ll get back to you. everday update photos of there days sissions and surf reports.
as for mozamb....
you need a 4x4 for starters.
then iv been to inhambane a couple times. Can get really good up there during june times.
there s two side when you there. there s torfu beach on the se side and then BArra on the ne side.
barra being the boer area and torfu the english apparently.
torfu has some sick reef breaks mostly lefts but can get f£$%ing good. look out for the whale sharks they everywhere. and really friendly. sometimes you can paddle out to them and they just chill round you no worries. The Reef is sharp VERY SHARP . id reckomend all the sixty40 fans to fo check out inhambane province. not only is the surf good and warm. but the locals (no surfers) are friendly aND the vibe is really chilled and if you the adventure type i fink there are some radical anriiden waves still to be found up there.
not mention all the euro totty floating around looking for a joll
8 hours by car from SA
plenty accomadation there on arrival .(camp OR other )
same prices as S A really maybe a bit cheaper.
Be SURE TO PULL IN TO BAR BABALAZA where the road splits to barra and torfu. SAy hi to my mate MR Cook!!
SebFebruary 2008thanks guys
Spy Dude
February 2008
I hit Ponto Du Oro (how ever it is spelt) a few years ago.
Was up in Munguzi (kozi Bay) Doing sum mission work with my sister. The minister we were staying with was a surfer, swell came in and next thing i know we are bribing the boarder gaurds to get to Ponto. (i didnt have a passport) Scored 2 days of epic indo style waves, piss warm water, loads of vaalies on jet skis (so there was no need to paddle out) and a total crowd of 5 (all durbanites and me) R20 for a checkers bag of cashew nuts and as much seafood as you could eat. Good times, happy Dayz.
Did indo in the early 90's, was one of the first Saffas to go there, beleive its changed heaps so everything i can say will be outdated. Good waves on every island.
February 2008
going to bali lombok and the other islands in september -november.
would be cool to hook up with a bunch of saffa s when we get there.
Spy Dude
February 2008
that NINJA kid
February 2008
IF you guys do stay on Bali and want to be near PadangPadang (good choice!) check out Ayu Guna, it's a nice little camp set-up with huts on stilts and you can spoon with a mate on a double bed to split rent, which really isn't much to start with either....
5 minute walk from Padang, 10 - 15minute scooter ride from Ulu's or Dreamland beach in the opposite direction (do yourself a favour and get down there if the tides too full for the reefs) , cheap food and beer in house and super relaxed, also close to the PadangPadang Inn for internet and other accomodation if they're full up at Ayu...
Otherwise, get out to Nusa Lemgongen but check the predicted swell first, not a lot happens if there isn't any, although for holiday relaxing that's cool too, beer and snorkelling anyone?
Bring me back a Bintang?
Pi bodyboardsFebruary 2008yo bru!
go to indo man!!!best place on the planet..make sure u r single..thats most important!!hahahah!!!!lambok etc is worth it..super suck changed my life.....arak to, thats a story for another day!!
SebMarch 2008shot guys, ninja kid do u by any chance hav contact details for that Ayu Guna place??? thanks
April 2008
Just to bump this topic up,
I'm going to Bali from around the 10th of July to end July

April 2008
Mozambique is MAD! Went to a place about an 4 hours south of Inhambane and scored the most ridiculous waves imaginable! Super crowded though, fuckin turtles everywhere! This one spot would just funnel off this reef and carry on going on the sandbar for 10 seconds plus, and about as far out as a farish shorebreak! Although when we were surfing there the first day the local fisherman rowed out on their boats and cast a net for maybe half an hour about 200 meters further out than we were. After their half hour they pulled the net in and had, no lies, about twenty sharks! Mainly hammerheads and one or two tigers! All this about 4 hours away from average medical facilities makes you think twice about how important your limbs are.
Definitely worth the mission though
April 2008
Hey guys
I see you guys are all hitting Baaali this June/July, i probably am also! Hehe Another one for the Saffas
But unlike you guys, im not one for surfing extremely dodgy waves, aka Padang xD Im into more of a mellows point breakish kind of wave..just wanted to ask anyone who has been there before where the best spots are that are more layed back than the other more popular breaks..Wanna score some nice waves, but not get totally owned on some reef and be out for the count for the rest of the holiday ;/
Will probably be staying in Kuta, if not then around Nasa Dua somewhere...
Would help a lot!
April 2008
gareth !
just stick to kuta reef and airports lefts and rights high to mid tides.
once you feeling upto it after that . if there s swell go try out the uluwatu peninsula (padang,begin ect...)
otherwise when i was in lombok/kuta (kuta its called aswell ?? ) there are a couple realy soft reefs called grupok insides and outsides . its like the perfect wave( suncity style) and the softest reefs and afters you can choose any other spots with more caution on the island i spouse.
lombok is worth it ...take the ferry from bali and stay either the yellow flower( £3) or surfrers in (£7-£10 with pool)
good times
April 2008
rickyrabbott wrote:
gareth !
just stick to kuta reef and airports lefts and rights high to mid tides.
once you feeling upto it after that . if there s swell go try out the uluwatu peninsula (padang,begin ect...)
otherwise when i was in lombok/kuta (kuta its called aswell ?? ) there are a couple realy soft reefs called grupok insides and outsides . its like the perfect wave( suncity style) and the softest reefs and afters you can choose any other spots with more caution on the island i spouse.
lombok is worth it ...take the ferry from bali and stay either the yellow flower( £3) or surfrers in (£7-£10 with pool)
good times
Thanks man!
So amped to go hehehe, hopefully it wont be to crowded though! :S Should be hitting it early early in the morning though so i doubt there should be
too many people in the water

Spy Dude
April 2008
Yeah i staying in Kuta/lombok, besides grapok, which is fun when its big, there is also Ekas, Aranguli, Mawi and desert point.
Then there is also the hike up the volcano and komono dragon feedings in materaam, if the waves go flat.
Does anyone know if the Pirate Capt Ear still operates out of Kuta (Fat dodgy sumban) If he does, dont deal with him. He is the reason i got kicked off lombok.
craigtrilivasApril 2008WTF!!!???
please tell me why u got kicked off an island LOL!!!

Im waiting anxiously.
Spy Dude
April 2008
ok in a nutshell.
Capt Ear was trying to con some boogers into a trip, i had been in the islands for 2 months already, anyways i hear what he wants to charge them for a one way trip to mawi, total rip off and no batering with him either so thus i tune him to piss off and will find another bemo, he takes offence and tunes me he is allowed to rip tourists off, he then proceeds to punch me with all his might, i didnt even take a step back, my sister can punch harder, i then return the complement and drop him, lights out... next thing 100 little indo with knives and stuff pop out of the wood work and camp security jump in with batons and stuff.
Either way it seems old EAR was their captain and they took me knocking his lights out very personally. The police were called and the next morning the cops 'escorted me' to the ferry port and sent me back to bali.
Happy dayz!
Capt Ear is notorious for taking surfers to secret spots on his yaught and when they are all catching waves, he buggers off and leaves them on some outside reef. Think about it, in indo, no passport, no cash, no clothes, not even a towel... thats got to suck.
Granted i was there in 95, many years ago, allot of water has passed under this bridge since then.