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Need some Help Please

  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    March 2008
    I've waxed a 360 now, and I'm trying to do a DK.

    I can get up in the position fine, but my board either slides out and i fall off, or i just loose all my speed when i get up, and i end up falling back off the wave.

    I have a Science ms3. Its not a DK board i know. But I'm sure you can still do a dk on it.

    Any advice will be appreciated.

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6 Replies

  • March 2008
    hey dude,

    firstly sick one on getting down those spins!! not the easiest when learning but they do just get sweeter as you move along...

    the DK, well you can bust out the knee on any bodyboard really even if it isnt a DK board. You will only notice the big differences when you are going really pro at it and then might like your own shapes etc. At the moment you have a good all round board for DK and prone...

    Ok i would suggest a few tips here...

    a) paddle in hard and strong enough as if you were going prone, so you going to make sure the wave is pulling you on solidly. if you barely catching the wave or going very slowly you more then likely going to lose it when you get up on the knee as all your weight gets centred and you not pushing down as much on your nose anymore... so paddle in hard and solid and then get up

    b) sliding out... ohh yes, i remember this stage, happens to everyone when they start and you can get over it super quickly! When you riding prone you are using your arms and leaning to dig your rails as needed. Same needs to be done with DK. If you arent digging your rails properly you board will be lying flat on the wave surface and when you start to turn the rail wont be digging in and hence you will start sliding out. To resolve this you will need to be more solid on the knee by leaning with your board and shifting your weight as needed between your front and back foot. Looks for more clean lines also when you are getting the hang of it, so dont just get up and go all over the show in other words. look for good clean lines and keep the power and weight on either leg depending on the turn. The other important thing i find that helps this esp at first is to not sit to much on your board, ie getting a more higher stance on the knee by standing more straight up on the board instead of sitting on it. This will give you more power also to hold the line and rail

    hope this helps dude and you get it down, remember it just gets better and you will get more stoked by the day... go out there and work on it and you will get it before you know it!!

    if you ever come across myself in the water, say hi and ask me if i can please watch and help and would be more then happy to.

    good luck for now


    I can get up in the position fine, but my board either slides out and i fall off, or i just loose all my speed when i get up, and i end up falling back off the wave.
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    March 2008
    Thanks mark, I'm also starting to try barrel rolls, well lets just say, I'm hopeless at the moment with those, And I'm stuck with pretty small, NON HOLLOW swell down here in el at the moment, much better in winter.
  • papa-dpapa-d
    March 2008

    Mark seems to have that down pat for you, follow his advice there and you should be cranking the tail off some sections in no time.

    Just remember, the best thing is learning, and failure is part and parcel of succeeding...and when you get it, the rewards are sweet!
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    March 2008
    Thanks D. Loving my board BTW.
  • papa-dpapa-d
    March 2008
    Good stuff.

    Keep it up boet, the best thing you can do is exactly what you're already doing, asking question for help, it goes a long way if you take it all in.

    Good luck further.
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    March 2008
    I'm really keen, Been practicing my ass off, wanna goto border trials, just need to wax a barrel roll. and I can have a chance to make the border team.( trails are sometime in june, during winter swell, they usually have it in flippin hectic swell) these holidays are all planned up with early morning departures to out of town spots, with no crowds.
    just me and my mates. really keen for it.
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