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  • bboard1
    March 2008
    howzit oes,
    does anyone have any advice for me on how to do ARS's. I can invert roll and spin (on the wave)
    Any advice would be great, thanks guys

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5 Replies

  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    March 2008
    Straight after u bust the roll,pretty much a split second after (u dont really evn complete half the actual roll itself) turn ur board sharp and hard towards the bottom and face of the wave (45 degrees or a lil more than),the rest of ur body will follow in the motion.
    Bear in mind u also have to look(point ur head) where the nose is going for it to do that.

    By the time u land(if u stik it nice) all u should really hav to do is complete half a spin(ur usually almost facing backwards so just diggin ur fins and pullin urself round should do the trick) and u done it :D
    Hope this helps u cos im the kinda dood who thinks about simple things in an overly complicated way :lol:
    Hope u can picture it LOL...

    b kiff.
  • lyle
    March 2008
    i have the same problem. i can do, forward/reverse spins, el rollo, inverts. but when i ars i land facing the wave or parallel to the wave with 90 degrees to go. and the wave/white water usually pushes over or passes me. but i believe the more i practice it will eventually come like all my other moves- self taught and experimented. unfortunately no ballies to look up to here in el.
  • puku
    March 2008
    my problem used to be that when doing the spin i wouldnt look in the direction that i wanted to spin. so i would land backwards with no spinning momentum. just turning your head makes all the difference, cause now if i land backwards then i've atleast got the momentum of spinning going
  • KellyKelly
    March 2008
    The ARS is one of the most stylistic bodyboarding moves in my eyes - you are working totally with the flow of the wave and once you learn to roll it is a natural progression to the ARS.

    Nowadays, a roll is almost seen as pulling out of an ARS as the roll has become one of the basic manoeuvres. There are exceptions but it is does take exceptional waves to increase the degree of difficulty of the roll to anything along the lines of the ARS, Invert, Backflip.

    As for nailing an ARS - it is mentioned above by Craig - but I think if I say this it might make even more sense ... the key is that the stock standard ARS is not a "roll, then spin" but rather an "integrated roll & spin". There are variations to the Air-Roll-Spin depending on when you initiate or start integrating your spin --- the earlier you start your spin, the earlier you will finish and the later you leave it, the more effort you will need to generate enough momentum to get through the spin.

    If the wave is bigger or you are launching big, then you will have more time in the air and then the "roll, then spin" variation is possible and will look good but on smaller waves you want to initiate your spin early and this is the variation you should be learning first.

    As Puku mentions - your head leads through this and most manoeuvres.
  • bboard1
    March 2008
    shot oes, went out today and landed 1, it looked kinda kak and was very messy but i did 1, now i just need to practice, practice, practice. SHot :D :D :D :D
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