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Barrel Rolls

  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    April 2008
    I've landed a roll once, on big hollow surf, sliding down the face, and coming up, and hitting the lip and the wave closes out, then going down with the closing lip.

    But i can never land a roll back onto the face of the swell, i like go up the face and try hit the lip, and start the roll, and i just fall off my board, I cant get enough push and speed to get up to roll.

    Any advice at all will be great.

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10 Replies

  • JAMES bye
    April 2008
    try hitting the lip of the wave abit closer to the "barreling section" it will throw you out further and will launch u higher.. if its small, mushy crappy stuff you are surfing then it becomes quite hard to learn how to roll and land back on the face
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    April 2008
    If the lip is pap its gonna be kuk bro.
    make sure its got the juice to get loose :D

    Then if there is enuff power behind it ,it should send u into the move no problem.
    Just extend ur arms and land it.
    eezy as that :mrgreen:

    Theyr good for closeouts and also sections that break b4 u can get round them.
    U may see alot of okes that hav a section about to close infront of them,they then roll that section puttin them infront of it and in the flats back on track for the rest of the face if its still going.

    Good luck bro.
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    April 2008

  • bboard1
    April 2008
    nice 1 man, who takes ur pics?
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    April 2008
    Friends of mine that tag along, or my parents. they use my fujifilm s700 and a tripod from the shore.
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    April 2008
    Nice bro.
    See it wasnt that hard was it?

    Just takes practice to become consistent.
    Im only managing to get 1 to 3 surfs in per week so Im finding it hard to be very consistent lately.
    Kuk when ur up against okes who surf like 3 times a day,every day!!! :shock: :D

    Oh well,thats life i guess.

    Cant wait for my next session!!!

    stay kiff.
  • lyle
    April 2008
    then theres us okes stuck on mud island..... not alot of surf at the moment im afraid :( but i just got a job and will start exploring soon :) nice thing is im not in london, im based in brighton! :D i see the sea everyday! :mrgreen:
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    April 2008
    haha that sucks lyle!when u comming back to the slummies bru??
  • lyle
    April 2008
    prob round Christmas. got a few places id like to go before i come home though. for beaty and sights, scotland and france, for waves cornwall, france, portugal. those are my goals for now. oh ja, germany for october fest!! :D
  • StJohnLombard_Bodyboarder
    April 2008
    your forgetting Amsterdam!!!! :mrgreen: :wink:
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