Eastern Province Bodyboarding Association 1,556 views
Kelly wrote:
Durban has recently started up their School's league and Cape Town has been running a successful league for the last couple of years.
With SA champs coming up, if anyone from a province is interested to find out more from these two then it would be a perfect opportunity to find some time to sit down and discuss ideas.
If a province is wanting to improve the standard of riding in their province then one of the easiest ways is to increase the number of bodyboarders and then the pyramid structure comes into play ... A large base means more intermediate bodyboarders and therefore more bodyboarders at an advanced level too.
Clubs and school leagues should be part of every provinces development programme - it brings in new talent and gives guys more contest experience. And if your province isn't doing it then you are disadvantaged against those provinces who are.
po10cy wrote:
I fully agree, I strongly believe that having a club that any interested bodyboarders can join to go on missions together and help each other with moves and advice is a great way to promote the sport an build good friendships, and i really think this is something EP is lacking, although it is picking up, but there is no club anyone can join, the only "group" i know of is the EPBA guys but you gotta be on the EP team which excludes all the other guys from being part of a group of bodyboarders.
For sure bru, a group of us started up Blow Out Bodyboarding Club on SKZN's lower South Coast when we were 16/17. 16 years on and the club is still running - it has had its low points and high points and is the main reason why SKZN won the SA Champs in 2002 and many individual titles over the years. Back before Blow Out started up, the only bodyboarding club was in Warner Beach (Amanzimtoti) and the SKZN team would consist mainly of riders from this club and a few from the Lower South Coast - when the 'Toti club disappeared the demographics changed and it is now mainly riders from Blow Out who make the team with a few from other areas in SKZN. SKZN could definitely improve this by starting up a club around Amanzimtoti and working on a schools league but if you are looking for a case study - SKZN is definitely punching above it's weight because of the strong bodyboarding community on the Lower South Coast which has their club as their backbone.
If we're wanting to improve the standard of the sport as a whole then each province needs to learn from each other