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Bodyboarding company

  • puku
    December 2004
    Wadup spunjas
    I just wanna say that a proudly South African, proudly bodyboarding label is what we need here in S.A. I would do it myself but I'm only 14 and I have to worry about school and all that crap but if 1 is started I'll definitely support it overboard. That's all I got to say.

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8 Replies

    December 2004
    Hey Puku

    Hey big guy, good to see some youngsters on sixty40!!! Tell your friends hey!!, ok little dude, seems you know how to use the internet so here goes, if you go to you get to see a south african bodyboarding company who's sole purpose is supplying the riders of south africa and the world, boards, and guess what its right here in durban and if you live far away like capetown he can deliver, cool hey.
    anyway once you get to that internet site then you can click on all the other "links" there that take you to a whole lot of other Bodyboarding company's too!!

    Hope you find what your looking for Puku
    Check you later
  • Mark
    December 2004
    Hey all!

    Im also only 15,but at the moment my biggest goal is to start a bodyboarding company,we already have a crew together and we're busy making a few tshirts.We are all very dedicated to our sport and we're looking to get some footage of the bodyboarders here in the boland area and then we will like to put together a bodyboarding dvd.We are still busy saving for a video camera but I know our dream is possible if we work hard and never give up and get the support of our fellow boogers.
    You will hear from us again,maybe not in the near future, but u will.

    Watch out "no friendS"!

  • puku
    December 2004
    Thanks is a hot site. Since I posted that last thingy I've heard and read about Evals,Anon,Muti and S.M.P. They are clothing companies that support bodyboarding in S.A. Me and my cousin are also saving for a waterproof camera,Mark,so we can get recognition and just for fun. After all,that is the main reason why we bodyboard isn't it? Good luck with the videos and stuff Mark
  • hugh grant
    February 2006
    u 4got blair and no friends
  • BB4life
    February 2006
    um... Blair?
  • hugh grant
    February 2006
    started in mosselbay by johan nortjkie, kief underground clothing label, can find at sum surf shops. sponsors m-bay riders..
  • Matthew
    February 2006
    hey puku,

    i started my own lable last year ( and i was only 16 ) it doesn`t matter how old u r, if u wanna do somthing u should just go out and try it.

    my lable is called KRONIC, and it`s gonna b on factory7 soon.
  • hugh grant
    February 2006
    yeah, i 4got about kronic, also good label. tell me when ur shirts come out maffe.
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