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I wanna perfect my tube riding

  • puku
    December 2004
    I wanna get long tube rides and come flying out with the spit at the end. Please will anybody help me out here. I hold my line but I then end up too deep or get bounced by the shockwave. I'll be stoked with any tips

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9 Replies

  • AirFX
    December 2004
    Dont we all.
  • BB4life
    February 2005
    i find that if you sit a bit higher on the board you can increase you speed cos you create less drag, and speed gets you out the tube....

    if your going left or right and you see the section about to open up, dig your fins in or stick your hips out to reduce your speed. The section should tube you off your nut... after that, sit further up on the board and remove your body out the water, u should get a sling shot effect and exit the barrel....
    hope that helps...

    Jack de Jong.
  • that NINJA kid
    February 2005
    I'd just say practice even in unmakeable closeouts... Just try rack up enough barrel time to just get a feeling of what you should be doing when,
    the same techniques don't work for everyone, that's why we don't ALL surf like Spencer and hit lips like Jeff.
  • puku
    April 2005
    shot o's
    That slingshot effect thing really works. I also find if u trail your legs off the side of the board and then jump back high onto your board the same slingshot effect happens and helps you out of tubes.
  • BB4life
    May 2005
    hey pooks (hehehe)

    ive been thinking alot, and ive been researching by watching vids and trying out techniques, another thing i find that angleing ur board up and down on the face also helps u hold position, let me try explain it better by using a pic:


    as you can see, by increasing or decreasing the angle that your board holds to the wave, you can mazimize grip, so that you dont slide out like usually...

    One more thing, do what the wave wants you to do, basically go with ITS flow. Dont fight it, just move with the tube...

    hope that helps, reply with what you find...


    Jack de Jong.

    damn i dont know how to insert an imag, just email me for it then...[/img]
  • ryan
    June 2005
    Recently reading mike stewart's low pressure theory and watching him on Discovery discussing the fine line in the tube, which he explains as the calm surrounded by chaos, I have changed where and how long i ride in the tube, which more than often that results in a closeout.

    For instints, in bigger than average surf, instead of bailing, or trying to pull out and getting the mother load on your head, or dropping over the falls I find holding the line for long as possible, where all the calm exists, you will find yourself in the place where the final breakdown of the wave occurs.

    Remembering the wave is invisible energy and the water generally moves in circular motions, you should in theory not get dragged very far or across that shallow reef you decided to brave.

    However just Like Stewart says, timing and practice is everything
  • Mark
    June 2005
    when was mike on Discovery?
  • ryan
    June 2005
    He was on part of a programme "thrillseakers" and how the evolution of man to go beyond conventional natural boundaries has lead to the success of the human species.
    He was only on it for about 10min though.

    Bit technical hey!!
    Need to go surf now cracking 5ft at umhlanga!
  • puku
    July 2005
    Sorry it took so long for this reply. Ja jack it does work to angle your board up and down. Went off to a secret spot da other day ang got a big,long,clean tube using that angling technique. it seems to also generate speed in the tube
    shot pooks
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