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DK snaps

  • Alain
    October 2003
    :D Hey everyone... I am trying to figure out how to hold my rail I tighter when i do my DK snaps so that i throw huge chunks of water... can anyone help???

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2 Replies

  • supermaree
    October 2003
    if you wanna throw more spray dude you want to have as much speed as possible and at the exact moment throw all your weight in a action into a movement where the tail of your board is going to flow smoothly off the section throwing a huge fan of water into the air.

    to break it down its going to go like this: lean onto your inside rail, release the rail as you hit the section, throw your body onto your front foot, whip the tail, then bring your weight to the back of your board, and then let the momentum of the wave push you back into a balanced position to continue riding.

    hope that helps.

  • somzone
    May 2004
    cool, ive also been trying to get those dk snaps right for a while now. havent been into the water much lately tho.

    i thought its better to shift all my weight to the back of the board but now i see its not! it makes sense to lean fwd and bring the tail around.

    thanks man
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