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  • puku
    December 2004
    Wadup every1,
    I've pretty much perfected my rolls and now I wanna start trying out inverted airs. Please help me out here and give me some cool tips.

Coaching 2,005 views

5 Replies

  • tauriq
    January 2005
    Yeah, same here. Having a bit of trouble getting my board right around for the vert. Manage to get it sideways when smacking the lip. Am i a bit heavy for my 41' rossi board? I weigh about 70kg.
  • Ian
    January 2005

    About the inverts, they must be, for me anyway, one of the most satisfying moves to complete because you actually have to concentrate on timing,then keeping your weight positioned correctly while in the air so that it doesnt look cooky! Then the landing which can be a very tricky thing to do, especially if you are busting on waves that are hitting a reef or sand bank that is ledgy and shallow, you have to get out and up above the lip,if you dont you'll land in the "V" and 9 times out of 10 not make it!
    Take off on the wave and find a line that has a smooth but fast section to get yourself ready. while doing your approach bottom turn to the lip, make yourself "light" on your board, meaning dont dig rail and dont force yourself into the turn, like bending your board whilw bottomturning! If you can do this for all your moves, they'll be alot better. Look ahead and amagine doing the move before you have> I find to get the best "tweek" in the air just before launch,relax but be slightly rigid and look away upside down>towards the beach> You will atomatically tweek hard due to your body movement following your head. Where you look, your body will follow! for landing ,make sure your "undercarrige" is tucked away to avoid injury!!
    Hope this helps a bit.
    Ian Thurtell
  • puku
    April 2005
    shot ian,
    went off to a secret spot up the north coast and landed 3!!I was so stoked bru.nearly bailed on the landing of my 1st 1 and thought i broke my ribs on the 3rd but it was all good.your advice helped.
    April 2005
    Hey Guys

    I find it difficult to put into words how to and when to hit the lip for flip and air tricks, the best advice i can give ya is too watch how the pro guys do it, watch no firends etc etc whatever stuff you have and study how they do the stuff, its much easier than words and you see the timing and turning right there on the screen.

    Peace on guys

  • lauderdale
    April 2005
    Whats up!

    I have learn't that while power of the wave and pitch are important,nothing beats correct timing and weight shift. The less the effort physically usualy results in more stylish effortless control and execution. Approach the move with less aggresion to start with.Focus on timing,timing,timing

    Ryan Lauderdale 8)
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