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Need advice: Indo

  • peterbee
    March 2009
    Hi, Guys - maybe the guys who have been to Lakey recently can advise me...

    I'm trying to decide between Lampung / Krui in S Sumatra and Lakey for the second week of my holiday (first week's in Bali).

    I would so dig to go to the volcano-and-palm heaven that is Krui, but unsure about the slight cross-shore to the Trades, as well as the Bali-Jakarta, Jakarta-Lampung, 5-6 hours in bemo as opposed to Bali-Sumbawa, 2 hrs in bemo to consistently offshore Lakey.

    What I want to know is, is Lakey like crowded Long Beach nowadays (going in 2nd half of July)? Will I still have relatively uncrowded Lakey Right or Pipe while the big dicks are fighting over Lakey left? If I take the mission to Periscopes (and my board doesn't get stolen en route), will it be worth it - or will I find three hotels' worth of Aussie kite surfers claiming it?

    Thanks guys - bring the good info on - this is driving me crazy :?

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15 Replies

  • Spy Dude
    March 2009
    hope yr trip happens this time bru...
  • iammonster
    March 2009
    DUDE!!! Lakeys is hell sick!!!

    I went to lakeys about 3 years ago and it was to sick!!
    Lakey peak (a left and right) usually had about 15 standups on it..... but PIPE was the spot to be! had it max like 6 other boogers, bunch of super rad ozzies aswell as big man rossi with me!
    perfect for about 4-5 hours in the morning, then you head off to lunch. Hit the amangati hotel for there famous club sandwhich! Have like an hour nap, or watch dvds around lunch time when the winds are up....
    Then around 2 in the afternoon the winds die off and its just pure glassy barrels for the rest of the day until the sun gos down!
    Such good times, and super consistent wave, perfect for bodyboarders, its quite awkward for surfers, as the whole bottom just drops away when it hits the reef.... and they just prefer to stick around at the peak..
    There are also some lil rights and lefts around the corner!

    I would definately hit it! To fun!!

  • hof
    March 2009
    never done the s sumatra thing... supposed to be really sick, but i heard of some controvery of surf camps claiming waves and not letting visitors surf? i'd do the bali-lombok-sumbawa road trip. too sick. rent a car and you can do the 4 hour ferry from bali to lombok and drive straight down to desert point for a surf. then cut across lombok (about 2 hours), another 2 hour ferry to sumbawa where there's waves everywhere. head down to the supersucks camp. the sickest accomodation i found in indo, but in the most peaceful/untouched area (whe the miners aren't out on the town). cheap also. world class waves within a 40 minute drive. right in front of supersucks, which is undoubtebly the best wave in indo when it's on, scars and plenty of other spots around that'll be uncrowded. pretty far drive from supers to lakey's but doable. think the land camp there gets pretty crowded nowadays though. also i thought the wind was mostly cross-shore at lakeys during season? no sure though.
  • peterbee
    March 2009
    Thanks, guys - anybody know if it's true, about the winds at Lakeys being cross-shore?
    - and anybody else been to Lakeys in July, more recently, as in 2008 or 7?

    (And yeah, I've read about the tosser at S Sumatra who claims the waves for his hotel - he's pissed a lot of peeps off!)
  • peterbee
    March 2009
    This is just a comment to keep this item active on the Home page so people see it and reply...

    Thanks, Peter
  • hof
    March 2009 ... tion=Lakey

    think it's cross shore in the arvies.

    try the maluk side of sumbawa - supersucks, scars, yoyo's and others. you won't regret it
  • peterbee
    March 2009
    yeah, but my wife might... she's coming with :)
  • Sparicus
    March 2009
    I'm going to Indo in September, Also been looking at the Bali, lombok, Sambawa route. Anyone got info about the conditions in September. I would like to go to Sumatra but it seems abit of mission.
  • Spy Dude
    March 2009
    Sept is a tad late for those islands... April - july is more ideal, but then again maybe it will be less crowded.

    I cant speak cos i went to Indo in the early 90's so i am clueless to how it looks today.
    Avoid Kuta (bali)--- even then it was a shiethole.

    Kuta lombok is a different kettle of fish (or was)

    think i will stop now
    getting depressed
    March 2009
    Lakey gets light cross shore winds at around 11/12am,then backs down most afternoons!
    The pipe is the boogers wave hands down, one of my Indo fav's. heard its pretty good in the wet session to!I will be on it again this year 4sure in May!
    Sept is still all good,had a mate go early oct08 and still got off shore every day for 2 weeks(however i do think he was a little lucky).
    enjoy your trip
  • peterbee
    March 2009
    Shot Rossi - as ever the question lingers... what were the crowds like? Esp July!
    March 2009
    July is the peak of the session and I have heard from friends in Oz that there are some crazy deals on air tickets currently to Bali. However with the global slow down and air tickets, plus high taxes these days we could all be surprised last popped over for just 10days in 06 and stayed down at bingin most of the time, me and a mate managed to catch the low tide late in the afternoon for a few days running. Most of the locals and other surfers/bboarders had made there way back to either Kuta or where ever else they where staying, we had it to our selves. Bingin is a great little wave, however most people get put off looking down from the top, coz the take of zone is so smaller an area that if there are 15 guys in the water its a crazy mission to get a set.

    Another small trick I learnt is if the swell is down in Bali and its 3ft at ulu's, Padang Padang doesn’t look like its even breaking from the bridge (where most peeps take a look rather than the walk down). If its mid to low tide take a walk down, it will be breaking just has long gaps between sets. There will prob be no one out and for me it’s a far better cry to wait for sets than mission at ulu's with every surfer and bboarder on Bali out just coz it picks up any swell.

    Other than that if you there for a few weeks and u using Bali as a base hit the road the minute the swell drops so you can get to the next island before fresh swell starts running. If you going with your wife then cross over to Nusa lamgbongan for a couple days, there are only three real waves (right handers), Lacerations is a really good boogers wave.
    This time round I am traveling with my lady and some mates and I am keen to go over land to west Sumbawa via Lombok. Then back to Bali and fly to bima east Sumbawa for a 5 days at Lakey pipe. But plans can change at anytime and that’s just the way I like it.

    Happy travels ou's......
  • iammonster
    March 2009
    go to lakeys!!!
    There's a reason people call it mini chopes!

    just watch out for lucy the 90 year old lady of the night!! eeeeisssh....

    Oy Rossi...... meet doughnut giiiirl!
  • peterbee
    March 2009
    Thanks for the cool input guys - appreciate your taking the time...
  • sy83sy83
    March 2009
    Hook up with Billy Miller, he's also heading over in july with his wife.
    i would really try score super suck if you can, and if thats to small doughnuts is still one of the funnest booger waves in indo.
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