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  • chris d
    October 2009
    Ous I just found the best deal. £65 return fom london to either Lanzarote or Tenerife.I was planning on doing a trip to canaries in Nov but was more amped on going to Grand Canaria.I know there plenty of waves on all the islands but which island is the best I have no idea? Would be sick to do them all but I can only get about a week off work...Anyone who has done the canaries, some advice would be much appreciated?And to any expats who are sick and tired of London come join me for some barrels.

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4 Replies

  • rudi
    October 2009
    Hey dude, ive been been to lanzarote twice. you want to magic seaweed or wannasurf the place first to give you an idea of what its like. the town where all the waves are in is called la santa - a wave identical to pipe breaks right infront of the town, its got a mean end section tho so watch out :) there s more waves around equally as world class, but you ll need a car. If you only going for a week then i would suggest staying in la santa.

    A few basics are that there is always swell...always, but to get the wind offshore is another story. Trade winds blow North to North east which is cross to onshore. If you re increadibly lucky you ll get some sort of a south or easterly. I went in peak season last year and got totally skunked with the wind. However I will say this, if you do score it will be with out a shadow of a doubt the best surf of your life. Check out the pics on my profile most of them are from my first trip to lanz.

    anyways hope it goes well
  • chris d
    October 2009
    Shot bru
    You have any recommendations on where to stay?Any campsites/hostels in La Santa?Need to try keep the costs to a minimum...Would dossing in a car be safe?So so so so amped.Sound like Lanz is def the better option in terms of getting waves.I cant wait to get there and hopefully have some of those rare offshore winds.
    I appreciate the help boet.
  • rudi
    October 2009
    there s no backpackers or anything like that there, its a real small town. If you go to bycycle shop in town there s a english couple that own it and they may be able to hook you up with a place, otherwise there should be a surf shop there and the guy who owns it (nacho) is pretty cool - that is if he s still there. Otherwise car is an option, but it would suck ass. and take books to read because unless you speak spanish life can get pretty boring.
  • byron777
    October 2009
    howsit bru,im keen on going to the canaries,ive been to fuerte in 2005,was good,scored some good barrels on the north shore of the island.whats youre budget and how long are you going for?i reckon the best way is just hiring a car and taking a tent.campsites are few and far between and i think you need to have a permit to do this,nonetheless i saw plenty of tourists pitching tents in remote beaches.drop me a line at [email protected]
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