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Accommodation: Margate Contest

  • Ian
    March 2005
    Hey all!

    Does anyone know of any cheap accommodation for the margate contest.
    If anyone has space at their pad or something pleez let me know.
    Are there any camp sites at Margate?

    Ian Thurtell

Accommodation/Car Pool 5,112 views

6 Replies

  • BeekBeek
    March 2005
    Would love to help but my place is packed as it is, here is a list of accom in the area

    Accommodation available for 5A Wimpy Rossi Pro-Am

    DUO Estates
    Phone 039 3120530 Maritjie 082 7758755 ( ‘Boulevard’ recommended)

    self catering sleeps 6 - 2 bed roomed
    self catering behind fishing pier - sleeps 6

    Both above phone Bob or Marlene on 039 3120812

    Irka Cottage
    sleeps 6 - 2 bed roomed
    Phone Mrs. Baleko on 039 3120622

    Cheaper Options
    De Wet Caravan Park 039 3120045 north end of Margate beach
    Fairhills Caravan Park 039 3120852 +-2km to Margate beach
    Pumlani Caravan Park 039 3120482 +-2km to Margate beach
    Uvongo Caravan Park 039 3150424 6 km to Margate beach

    Margate Backpackers (+ camping)
    Bruce Simpson ( 039 ) 312 2176
    800m Lucien beach (left point of Margate bay) +-1.8km to Margate Beach

    Letting Agents
    Fun Holidays 039 3128190
    Information Centre Holiday Accommodation 039 3150265
    Hibiscus Tourism for varied accommodation i.e. B & B's, self catering on 039 3166140 or
  • Ian
    March 2005

    Thanks so much for all the info... helps stax!


    Ian Thurtell
    March 2005
    Hey guys

    I have a good idea lets all go to colin's place and sleep on his lawn his Dad makes wicked chow and they live close to Margate beach!!!!!

    (Payback Time HAHAHAHAHAHHA)

  • ColinvanDongen
    March 2005
    Sorry Bitches

    House is full, and there are 3 gigantic lizzards in the Garden that bite so good luck harhar check you dudes down in Margate. Should be epic!

    Rockon Party time 2005
    Colin :D
    March 2005
    Hey Probe Boy

    Who you calling a Biatch man?? hehe enjoy your weekend man, check you on wed for a wave!!!!

    Col are you Doing the Dk Man???

  • Sparicus
    April 2009
    If there's anyone who has found a place to stay and needs an extra person to split costs let me know, its gonna be a ball ache traveling from Durbs every day.
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