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Busting in small surf

  • Rowan C
    September 2010
    Hey guys I've been battling to land decent stuff like inverts and ARS's in surf thats 4-5 foot. I'm not sure if I'm trying stuff too complicated for the size of wave, or if its something I can change like my bottom turns. Please let me know whats recommended in smaller semi-hollow surf.


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6 Replies

  • Diego
    October 2010
    Dude i wanna know wher u getting those waves?! Waves ive seen at our home break are all under 3ft bodyboarding isnt fun on 2ft- waves we need bigger waves to play on but it all depends on the wave and one u...cos if you dont hit the waves critical section you wont boost and then no ars or invert. And ars's require the last bit of the spin to be on the wave unless ur getting clean airs and bangin full rotations so the wave needs to be strong enough to 'pull' u through the motion, ill try show u nxt time
  • Rowan C
    October 2010
    Sho't that would help. I'm having a helluva lot of trouble with my ARS's. I always only get the roll and 180 degrees in the air and on the way down, which I know is normal, but when I land in the foam I come pipe and get thrashed. So far I haven't landed one back on the wave face.
  • Diego
    October 2010
    Yeah man. But u have to remember its all about practice. With an ars u gotta remember to kinda push urself off the wave when u bust cos u wanna go with the wave not just go straight up because remeber the wave is with the ars u gotta snap ur neck backwards in the motion ur goin so ur shoulders snap with and u rotate nicely...ive seen ur ars's u need to stall mre b4 u rotate so u get more air
  • papa-dpapa-d
    October 2010
    Busting in small surf surf is not easy by any means, but 4-5ft is a good size if that is what you're having trouble with?

    The number 1 point of doing a sick invert or ARS is your speed, knowing how much speed you need to throw yourself into a good ARS or Invert. Then Timing and that comes with practice. What I hear you saying is that you have trouble with the landing and that you get stuck in the foam.... that sounds to me like you're attempting a lot of moves off a close out or an on coming section? This is not the easiest and often has you landing in the explosion or "V" of the breaking wave...

    The easiest section to hit for ARS and Inverts are the running sections out of or under the barrelling part of the wave. Your speed and the momentum of the wave when hitting this section at the correct time, (Timing is Crucial or you go off the back), will have you landing back on the open face of the wave...and not in the foam, making the landings a lot smoother and easier.

    A big mistake I often see is guys that are not landing their rolls cleanly are trying more complex moves like the ARS or Invert before mastering the simple technique of clean roll. By practicing and perfecting the basics, the more comlex maneuvers come a lot easier because you are timing your sections well enough to know what speed you need and the section you need to attempt an ARS or Invert.

    1. Speed
    2. Timing
    3. Execution

    The top 3 pointers in any maneuver to make it look good in any size wave. 1.If you don't have the speed, you won't get the projection needed to attempt the move. 2.If your timing is off you won't get the projection needed to throw you back out onto the face or infront of the wave. 3. Your execution needs to be practiced to make the move look good...throwing everything at it can make it look really bad, it should be controlled and flowing. Forcing a move throws you off balance and often ends in failure because of uncontrolled rotation or body parts flying in the wrong directions throwing you off balance and causing you to tail peg, rail peg or nose dive.

    In my opinion - a huge roll looks a hell of a lot better than a forced uncontrolled ARS or Invert off the same section? Doing the basics well will impress even the best riders in the world, but throwing yourself into an uncontrolled maneuver will have guys trying to rip their own faces off after witnessing the brutal mutilation of a perfect section!

    Get out there practice, cause in the end, that's the only way you're gonna get it right! Pointers will help, but ultimately, time in the water is key!
  • Kyle CabanoKyle Cabano
    October 2010
    I agree with Derek. People are trying to do big moves like ARS's and inverts before they are ready. It just ends up looking goofy and you dont land it. If you are having trouble spinning around after doing an ARS then you probably have to work on your spins. Just about every grom goes through a stage where they think they are ready for big moves. Spins and rolls are the best practice. And busting on small waves is probably also the best practice. Then when you get to the big waves its just easier to get bigger air.

    Goodluck anyway and I hope you come right.
  • Rowan C
    October 2010
    Thanks for the help guys, its excellent to have a way to get these questions answered. :mrgreen:
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