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The Year So Far

  • papa-dpapa-d
    April 2005
    Well as it goes we need to ride 5 compo's per annum and use your top 3 results to determined who through true winner of each division is.
    In this format it gives each rider the chance of having a bad day and getting a bad result, then being able to make up for that bad result in the following compo.

    As it goes we've had to push in the 1st 3 compo's to stay out of the rush of all the SABA and SKZNBA compo's that normally get squeezed in one after another, but now seeing as though BLOW OUT has jumped into the lead, we can afford to sit back and relax for a while before having the next compo.So for now you can keep trying to perfect that 720 reverse air you've always wanted to do and keep an eye on the papers for info on the 4th comp for the year.

    Good luck and never give up on what ever you're going for.....

    Derek Footit

Blow Out Bodyboarding Club 3,606 views

14 Replies

    April 2005
    Hey Derek

    Good to see you finally made a post:), unlucky last weekend man, i know how much time and effort you put in to BB especially for the young one's, respect to you. Im going over to UK and gonna hook up with Kelly for a beer, im keen if he wants to take him so local vid's has he seen Colin;s one yet? please mention to him i can do this and if he wants them, the next time you phone, sms or email, thanks man. if you have anything urgent to get to him in the next month let me know.

    all the best for this year, landed a couple of your sommies:)

  • papa-dpapa-d
    April 2005
    Myself and Kel keep in contact prtty regular, and he has seen Colins vids, but there is another local vid from our area and it's pretty seeeek for guys who have just put out their first one!
    They opperate under the name T2 Productions an dthe video's called "The Project" and retails at R140 on DVD.
    There's riders on there from all around the country and not only the top gus, but also some up and coming riders too.
    Some really good waves of all around the country and the usual stuff we have to put up with day to day.
    If you you want to buy 1 let me know and we can organise, but I also think I would want kelly to have a copy so if you could send me your details to my e-mail on [email protected] then i'll send 1 through for you to give to him.
    Shot for that man and keep on busting those sommies boet, it's something unique that not many guys can master.....
    Keep Trucking
    April 2005
    Hey Derek

    Man relly not a problem, the next time Colin is down at home, just give him the DvD or VHs and tell him its for me,, you can see who i am on my details, man its good to hear from you!! Col knows where to find me so he will, im going over to that land of slim waves pretty soon, i getting as much time in the water as possible!!, if you have any problems conatacting me just pm me and ill be happy to drive down there and pick it up myself!!

    see you soon D
    by the way it the twins DVD your talking about? cos i want a DVD myself ? can you organise for me? willing to pay the cost!

  • Muffinman
    April 2005
    sorry to change the subject...why are you called tamega?
    April 2005
    Hey Muffinman

    Why are you called muffinman?
  • Muffinman
    April 2005
    i was just wondering what connection you have with tamega. its like me calling myself VIRTUE or SKIPPER...
    not dissing you,just finding out
  • that NINJA kid
    April 2005
    Often times I have pondered that very same question...

    Why TAMEGA?

    AND... you have to ask yourself....

    Do you know the muffin Man?
  • Muffinman
    April 2005
    the muffinMan?
  • that NINJA kid
    April 2005
    The muffinMan.
    April 2005
    Who lives on drewery lane?
    April 2005

    As we all know Guil is one of the most versatile riders too date, he is old school, but still in the game very much so, my first board was the 2k world champ WR Tamega, my fist Board ever, and since then ive ridden the same shape as him, Marc just shaped my Rossi according to his board shapes.

    Tamega you can say is my Roll Model in BB.

    Muffinman is a sick Nick dont loose it:)

  • Muffinman
    April 2005
    cool now it makesore sense.

    April 2005
    No problem
  • that NINJA kid
    April 2005
    Definitely makes more sense although I woulda gone for TAMEGAFAN (really no offense dude) or something but then again I wouldn't call myself MuffinMan either....

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