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Is Sixty40 dying?

  • ronald911ronald911
    January 2011
    Ok, since I first registered on Sixty40 back in 2007, there has definitely been a huge decrease in the amount of consistent users.

    From seeing new images everyday, new forum topics and fast replies - It all appears to have stopped over the last few months :( Almost like the online side of bodyboarding in South Africa has come on a near end.

    We maybe get a new post once a day... which is really dead compared to international bodyboarding websites/forums.

    We should really think of a few ways for the site to get more recognition and members.

Bodyboarding 8,192 views

47 Replies

  • lyle
    January 2011
    yeah def has died. not sure how one would resuscitate it. and if the site dies will our mag follow?? :cry:
  • jbs
    January 2011
    Hi Ronald,

    I think "dying"is a bit too strong a term, but yes I agree things have definitely quietened down considerably over the last few months.
    Also remember as the new Super Tour kicks off there will, hopefully, be an increase in activity as we follow our local riders who are killing it overseas.
    In general though, I do think a lot of people who were in the water consistently, whilst they were studying or just out of school, are now having to place emphasis on the real world and allocate a smaller amount of time to coastal trips, and posts with pics/video from their latest sessions. There were a core group of guys whom I know personally from the Durban bodyboard scene who have also split time between other hobbies, jobs, spending time with girlfriends/wives and perhaps only surfing when it's cracking, rather then at every available opportunity. There's also been a gap between the "older" mid-20's crowd and the next gen of groms who arent really aware of the state of our sport and what it takes to get involved with the back-end of bodyboarding. The kids are just stoked to be out in the water!

    My goal is to make more of an effort to submit pics and video this year, stir up some conversation on the boards and get guys amped for the mag and general bodyboarding scene. But first and foremost I want to snake those little shits in the water for the set waves!
  • Super_Dude
    January 2011
    The forum is quiet... But I'm new so I don't know how it has been... Only started bodyboarding end December... Been out 4 or 5 times. I just can't get enough! Going get my fiance equipment aswell so I can bodyboard longer. Hehe. I got a good few tips here. Great ppl on here...
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    January 2011
    Yip definately hard to try post on the forum when u got a full on 8-5 job hey...

    I always try to contribute when I can :mrgreen:

    Sure it will pick up once the tour starts tho

    Super dude..... hows the board going bro?

    Feedback :lol:

    Glad to hear u stoked my man, u got some sick barrels yet?

    See u out there :!:
  • ronald911ronald911
    January 2011
    jbs wrote:
    Hi Ronald,

    I think "dying"is a bit too strong a term, but yes I agree things have definitely quietened down considerably over the last few months.
    Also remember as the new Super Tour kicks off there will, hopefully, be an increase in activity as we follow our local riders who are killing it overseas.
    In general though, I do think a lot of people who were in the water consistently, whilst they were studying or just out of school, are now having to place emphasis on the real world and allocate a smaller amount of time to coastal trips, and posts with pics/video from their latest sessions. There were a core group of guys whom I know personally from the Durban bodyboard scene who have also split time between other hobbies, jobs, spending time with girlfriends/wives and perhaps only surfing when it's cracking, rather then at every available opportunity. There's also been a gap between the "older" mid-20's crowd and the next gen of groms who arent really aware of the state of our sport and what it takes to get involved with the back-end of bodyboarding. The kids are just stoked to be out in the water!

    My goal is to make more of an effort to submit pics and video this year, stir up some conversation on the boards and get guys amped for the mag and general bodyboarding scene. But first and foremost I want to snake those little shits in the water for the set waves!

    Good point there!
    Thanks for this awesome reply!
    Will also post some pics, especially now that I got a new video camera (Frame Grabs ftw).

    I rate we should get something on the site that make the guys amped to get on and participate.
    I mean, take a look at international surf site They have this Photo of the day thing - That is the main thing that attracts the people to submit their shots. And also this, they have a video contest that gets hundreds of visitors. We should really also do something like that.
    The SA Bodyboarding scene has more than enough potential to think of something for more site traffic.
  • Super_Dude
    January 2011
    Haha! Well... I went out twice with the new board. 1st time was too hung over. :-/ so couldn't paddle out allot. Hahah!

    Sunday the waves was small and didn't have allot of power... But the board runs great!

    Getting lots of complimants with it! Thanx! :-).

    I'm buying my wetsuit next month so then I can visit other spots. Only boarding at Big Bay now cause renting wetsuit there.

    But I want to go with you sometime if that is ok, Craig? Need some tips. :-D
  • Dopeboy
    January 2011
    I think another problem is that people don't really just come across the site, you kind of have to go looking for it if you know what i mean. Perhaps just getting the word out to more people just by giving away stickers at surf shops or something. I realise that costs money but I'm sure there's someone on this site that can hook us up :)
  • Inky
    January 2011

    At the end of the day WE have to keep these threads going, and it's not easy of course. We all have lives. I try my best to look in once a day at least and answer a few questions if I feel my 2 cents is worth 2 cents.... :)

    Craig and myself have been doing most of the "advice" lately, but general chat has died down a lot. I think most guys are willing to help. I also notice a lot of spam on here, Viagra pills which....don't work...cough...that kills the forum big time.

    We need to post any photos we take, any clips, anything bodyboard related. like a sort of vibe. I guess it's easier said than done.
  • ElementreeElementree
    January 2011
    Hey's nice to know you care about the site.

    Not going to say much because most of it has already been said...

    I will say that there will be a few sick updates to the photos section of the website to make the uploading more userfriendly and we're going to need YOU to help us with kicking this off and promoting it...but I will leave the details to sixty40 guru, Kelly, who IS the man and will fill everyone in once he's done tweaking the new vibes!
  • ronald911ronald911
    January 2011
    Elementree wrote:
    Hey's nice to know you care about the site.

    Not going to say much because most of it has already been said...

    I will say that there will be a few sick updates to the photos section of the website to make the uploading more userfriendly and we're going to need YOU to help us with kicking this off and promoting it...but I will leave the details to sixty40 guru, Kelly, who IS the man and will fill everyone in once he's done tweaking the new vibes!

    Sounds great!!
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    January 2011
    Ja it has died a bit of late and I think it is due to most of the normal contributors having heavy jobs these days that come with age :roll:

    I also dont have internet at home so I login at work when I can....

    Super dude - stoked u digging the board bro, call me anytime bro u got my number!

    Gdawg hows u doin my guy?

    When U comin down again?

    Cant wait to see the tweaks, already looking good :mrgreen:

    So much love for this sport man, yoh feelin like Im 16 again lol!!!

    Its all I think about these days

    I heart bodyboarding BOOM!
  • jbs
    January 2011
    Dopeboy wrote:
    I think another problem is that people don't really just come across the site, you kind of have to go looking for it if you know what i mean. Perhaps just getting the word out to more people just by giving away stickers at surf shops or something. I realise that costs money but I'm sure there's someone on this site that can hook us up :)

    Well there's magazines in CNA and most decent surf shops with "sixty40" in size 68 bold print on the cover, that's a good enough advert. Obviously increasing traffic flow to the site goes hand in hand with fresh content and something to add value to you average Joe who want to spend a few minutes browsing. If there's no new pics/video/online article submisions/forum topics then it's hard to drive that repeat viewing traffic. So if you feel you can add value in any way pop Kelly an email with a brief idea pitch, or even feel free to email myself with any ideas to compile and pass on to Kelly.
    Any framies from video shoots, brief surf trip stories that are decently written with a few okay pics. Stuff that wont make the mag but would be decent enough for the guys around the country to want to see who's scoring what waves where on our amazing coastline.
    Remember guys the only part of the process where we can make a physical difference is when we actually make an effort to follow through on what we've been talking about. Until then it's just talk, good ideas, but still talk.
  • Super_Dude
    January 2011
    Hahaha! Craig, I feel the same. Although I'm not any good..
    I enjoy it allot!! I just want weekend to come so I can go
    To the beach! Its an addiction!!! Much better than drug though!!
  • SmTSmT
    January 2011
    Yes please, time to get back into the one and only sport i've ever loved.
    Took it easy last year and now it's time to start missioning and hassling guys to go surf, Trials and contests and training!
    Too keen for this year!
    Craig, drop me a text this weekend where you surfing, if there's any waves?
    See you all in the water!
  • jbs
    January 2011
    SmT wrote:
    Yes please, time to get back into the one and only sport i've ever loved.
    Took it easy last year and now it's time to start missioning and hassling guys to go surf, Trials and contests and training!
    Too keen for this year!

    2011 - The year of The Windmill!!! hahaa
  • SmTSmT
    January 2011
    Watch out, the WINDMILL will smack you on the side of your head!
    Any waves in CT this weekend?
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    January 2011
    LOL yeah man I have so much stoke for bodyboarding again hey, not that I wasnt stoked before but its just compounded exponentially this last year :mrgreen:

    Cant get enuff of watchin vids, taking notes, surfin new waves and overcoming fears.

    Sean u been missing for too long brotherman!

    Will definately let u know where & when Im cruisin fo sho!

    So hoping there r waves man, working saturday tho.......bleek :evil:
  • ronald911ronald911
    January 2011
    Rivers on the South Coast of KZN decided to open up once again :( Not cool.. But hopefully it creates some sick banks.....
  • Rowan C
    January 2011
    Yeah the river at Winkelspruit on the south coast has opened so the waters dodgy but the bank is there and lank fun on the high tide.
  • ronald911ronald911
    January 2011
    Pumping South West winds in KZN (Durban/South Coast area) expected for tomorrow according to Windguru, so hopefully it clean things up a bit!
  • jbs
    January 2011
    awesome waves on north coast early, town should be fun tomorrow.
  • ronald911ronald911
    January 2011
    Fun waves on the south coast!
    Going down in a few moments, hoping to get barreled!!
  • Jared HoustonJared Houston
    January 2011
    Im in Hawaii with the Saffa crew!
    I only arrived a few days ago, but everyone seems to be talking about the South Africans and from what I can gather Ian Campbell has been the standout. I saw a photo of Mark Watts on the biggest wave I have ever seen at Pipe, but you'll have to wait to see that, the boys also surfed 10ft waimea the other day.

    Since I have arrived its been good, surfing OTW everyday, just loving the good powerful waves and trying to surf them how Id want to watch someone surfing them!

    For you guys bumming on no news, most of us have personal sites, iain campbell

    Jarret Johnson

    Jared Houston

    Check em out, if you guys see something crazy or cool on one of them?Why not discuss that on here?If you think Im a wanker, write me off on here, if you think Jarret Johnson might be gay, discuss it here. You know, get togther!Woo
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    January 2011
    Hmmm, on the subject on Jarret being gay......I seem to remember him taking a winkie to the cheek about a year ago at WP names mentioned........u know who u are :lol:

    Good times!
  • ronald911ronald911
    January 2011
    Jared Houston wrote:
    Im in Hawaii with the Saffa crew!
    I only arrived a few days ago, but everyone seems to be talking about the South Africans and from what I can gather Ian Campbell has been the standout. I saw a photo of Mark Watts on the biggest wave I have ever seen at Pipe, but you'll have to wait to see that, the boys also surfed 10ft waimea the other day.

    Since I have arrived its been good, surfing OTW everyday, just loving the good powerful waves and trying to surf them how Id want to watch someone surfing them!

    For you guys bumming on no news, most of us have personal sites, iain campbell

    Jarret Johnson

    Jared Houston

    Check em out, if you guys see something crazy or cool on one of them?Why not discuss that on here?If you think Im a wanker, write me off on here, if you think Jarret Johnson might be gay, discuss it here. You know, get togther!Woo

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Who know's, he might just get out of the closet some day :lol:

    Not only the pro's have personal sites..... even kooks :oops: like me have sites.
  • ronald911ronald911
    February 2011
    ronald911 wrote:
    Fun waves on the south coast!
    Going down in a few moments, hoping to get barreled!!

    Joh!, I did get such square barrels Saturday morning!
    Nothing big, such pure fun, only a bodyboarder can experience.
    Stokked! :)

    PS: Update on the site is looking good!! :D Keep it up!
  • ronald911ronald911
    February 2011
    Something went wrong..... Windguru shows, east, east, east, east, east, east, east...... NOT COOL :(
  • lyle
    February 2011
    dude, dont worry if its not onshore its flat here in EL!!! :evil:
  • Super_Dude
    February 2011
    I dont think this forum will ever die... There will always be a few posts... :mrgreen:

    We can kick it up!!

    I have another stupid question :( Think thats all i have on here... hahaha

    What does sixty40 mean? Does it have something to do with the sizes of the board?
  • KellyKelly
    February 2011
    Super_Dude wrote:
    What does sixty40 mean? Does it have something to do with the sizes of the board?

    Been following this topic a bit but my spare time is limited and as some may have noticed, have been putting in some time into a few changes around the site.

    To answer the above question specifically --- 60/40 is the standard rail angle of a bodyboard. At the time when I started the site there wasn't much out there --- Zigzag Bodyboarding Magazine had closed and there was nothing on the web. I had spent the previous 5 years travelling and bodyboarding around the world and to me many others who had done the same, the sport has given a lot us (I couldn't imagine just travelling around doing the tourist thing) ... so I wanted to put something back. I also saw very few people putting back into the sport ... there is no money so you can't blame anyone and for many bodyboarding is your release from the grind. But what I had seen over the years was a few guys putting everything in and then burning out and disappearing ... so in a bit of an idealistic way, I wanted Sixty40 to be a vehicle to help guys who want to contribute to put something back into the sport and wanted to see a few more people getting involved and taking out some satisfaction from being involved. To me, the only way to sustain that was to make sure that you were taking out of the sport more than you are putting in .... hence 60/40 meant a whole lot more to me at the time when I chose the name ---- 60% out and 40% back.

    Anyway, that's a bit of a camp fire story ...

    Over the last few months my time has been extremely limited and this post reflects that. I'm going to put a bit more time in to try make sure the site aids sharing of information and try get some guys keen on contributing more.

    Sean (SmT) & Jared (jbs) .... good to see you guys around again!
  • ronald911ronald911
    February 2011
    Kelly wrote:
    Super_Dude wrote:
    What does sixty40 mean? Does it have something to do with the sizes of the board?

    Been following this topic a bit but my spare time is limited and as some may have noticed, have been putting in some time into a few changes around the site.

    To answer the above question specifically --- 60/40 is the standard rail angle of a bodyboard. At the time when I started the site there wasn't much out there --- Zigzag Bodyboarding Magazine had closed and there was nothing on the web. I had spent the previous 5 years travelling and bodyboarding around the world and to me many others who had done the same, the sport has given a lot us (I couldn't imagine just travelling around doing the tourist thing) ... so I wanted to put something back. I also saw very few people putting back into the sport ... there is no money so you can't blame anyone and for many bodyboarding is your release from the grind. But what I had seen over the years was a few guys putting everything in and then burning out and disappearing ... so in a bit of an idealistic way, I wanted Sixty40 to be a vehicle to help guys who want to contribute to put something back into the sport and wanted to see a few more people getting involved and taking out some satisfaction from being involved. To me, the only way to sustain that was to make sure that you were taking out of the sport more than you are putting in .... hence 60/40 meant a whole lot more to me at the time when I chose the name ---- 60% out and 40% back.

    Anyway, that's a bit of a camp fire story ...

    Over the last few months my time has been extremely limited and this post reflects that. I'm going to put a bit more time in to try make sure the site aids sharing of information and try get some guys keen on contributing more.

    Sean (SmT) & Jared (jbs) .... good to see you guys around again!

    Great to see the Sixty40 Pioneer :P back in the forums. Hows the UK treating you?
  • Super_Dude
    February 2011
    Thanx Kelly!! :) I think we should all go camping so we can here the full story!! 8)
  • ryan
    February 2011
    Quieten down- definitely!
    I joined the community in '94 back in the days when the strong hold was Durban, Cockwells and Thiel Dre starting to strut his stuff. Durban was the centre; Zigzag, bodyboard suppliers etc and there didn't seem to be a stronger following any where else in the country. Then it faded away only to be taken up by the few who saw potential and the Western Cape and Factory 7 (Derek F) and Sixty40 was born. And now recently Keiki.
    The Western cape has definitely taken over and it seems like so much is happen down there, more shops, secret waves being found, more shark bites...
    But it is the new year and like the Mag Sixty40 changed it's face (for the better at a reasonable price) I think the website should try that. The site is hugely interactive and there is so much one can do, post pics, search surf spots, raise questions, but it does have to have a driving force and not a just a following force. Some people wait for the perfect wave to come their way, others paddle out and line themselves up for the barrel of the day.
    I have many surfing friends from my many years of surf lifesaving, and we got into some discussions about bodyboard shapes and design, something that does not seem to feature in the community, whereas surfers often are trying to come up with the perfect combination to allow for the best performance according to the rider. I suppose that's because they have a direct involvement in their board shape. In south africa our input into board shapes are very limited (Rossi) and if one orders a board from an overseas manufacturer direct then you can refine the shape you want; wide-point tail shapes. Otherwise we are limited to the supply in the stores.
    My point is that if we want to take to the next level we have to start getting into the nitty gritty of our community, like board shapes, and secret spots that fire (like when the East is howling on the east coast there is a wave in Richard's Bay harbour that is pure offshore...) and campfire stories. It brings us together and we carry on steering it where we want it to go. It would seem that was the answer that was used to get it to where it is today.
    I recently read about the new IBA format and structure and the website layout. WOW! I thought that it was on the border of extinction! And there is definitely some inspiration there.
    So no Sixty40 is not dying it's just waiting for the right wind and swell.

    Anyway I'll just keep supporting local and acting global
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    February 2011

    Sixty40 or 60/40 refers to the most common rail dimension on boards :mrgreen:

    You get 60/40, 50/50 and even 70/30!

    All up to ones prefernce yet again, see what works for u.

    Check out other boards rails when u have a chance to see the difference.

  • lyle
    February 2011
    ryan wrote:
    Quieten down- definitely!
    I joined the community in '94 back in the days when the strong hold was Durban, Cockwells and Thiel Dre starting to strut his stuff. Durban was the centre; Zigzag, bodyboard suppliers etc and there didn't seem to be a stronger following any where else in the country. Then it faded away only to be taken up by the few who saw potential and the Western Cape and Factory 7 (Derek F) and Sixty40 was born. And now recently Keiki.
    The Western cape has definitely taken over and it seems like so much is happen down there, more shops, secret waves being found, more shark bites...
    But it is the new year and like the Mag Sixty40 changed it's face (for the better at a reasonable price) I think the website should try that. The site is hugely interactive and there is so much one can do, post pics, search surf spots, raise questions, but it does have to have a driving force and not a just a following force. Some people wait for the perfect wave to come their way, others paddle out and line themselves up for the barrel of the day.
    I have many surfing friends from my many years of surf lifesaving, and we got into some discussions about bodyboard shapes and design, something that does not seem to feature in the community, whereas surfers often are trying to come up with the perfect combination to allow for the best performance according to the rider. I suppose that's because they have a direct involvement in their board shape. In south africa our input into board shapes are very limited (Rossi) and if one orders a board from an overseas manufacturer direct then you can refine the shape you want; wide-point tail shapes. Otherwise we are limited to the supply in the stores.
    My point is that if we want to take to the next level we have to start getting into the nitty gritty of our community, like board shapes, and secret spots that fire (like when the East is howling on the east coast there is a wave in Richard's Bay harbour that is pure offshore...) and campfire stories. It brings us together and we carry on steering it where we want it to go. It would seem that was the answer that was used to get it to where it is today.
    I recently read about the new IBA format and structure and the website layout. WOW! I thought that it was on the border of extinction! And there is definitely some inspiration there.
    So no Sixty40 is not dying it's just waiting for the right wind and swell.

    Anyway I'll just keep supporting local and acting global
    good way at looking at it. shot for sharing your story as well kelly :mrgreen:
  • ronald911ronald911
    February 2011
    ryan wrote:
    Quieten down- definitely!
    I joined the community in '94 back in the days when the strong hold was Durban, Cockwells and Thiel Dre starting to strut his stuff. Durban was the centre; Zigzag, bodyboard suppliers etc and there didn't seem to be a stronger following any where else in the country. Then it faded away only to be taken up by the few who saw potential and the Western Cape and Factory 7 (Derek F) and Sixty40 was born. And now recently Keiki.
    The Western cape has definitely taken over and it seems like so much is happen down there, more shops, secret waves being found, more shark bites...
    But it is the new year and like the Mag Sixty40 changed it's face (for the better at a reasonable price) I think the website should try that. The site is hugely interactive and there is so much one can do, post pics, search surf spots, raise questions, but it does have to have a driving force and not a just a following force. Some people wait for the perfect wave to come their way, others paddle out and line themselves up for the barrel of the day.
    I have many surfing friends from my many years of surf lifesaving, and we got into some discussions about bodyboard shapes and design, something that does not seem to feature in the community, whereas surfers often are trying to come up with the perfect combination to allow for the best performance according to the rider. I suppose that's because they have a direct involvement in their board shape. In south africa our input into board shapes are very limited (Rossi) and if one orders a board from an overseas manufacturer direct then you can refine the shape you want; wide-point tail shapes. Otherwise we are limited to the supply in the stores.
    My point is that if we want to take to the next level we have to start getting into the nitty gritty of our community, like board shapes, and secret spots that fire (like when the East is howling on the east coast there is a wave in Richard's Bay harbour that is pure offshore...) and campfire stories. It brings us together and we carry on steering it where we want it to go. It would seem that was the answer that was used to get it to where it is today.
    I recently read about the new IBA format and structure and the website layout. WOW! I thought that it was on the border of extinction! And there is definitely some inspiration there.
    So no Sixty40 is not dying it's just waiting for the right wind and swell.

    Anyway I'll just keep supporting local and acting global

    Well said!
  • lyle
    February 2011
    hopefully there will be some west coming through this weekend. im heading to JBay :mrgreen:

  • February 2011
    I really think bodyboarding in SA is going to continue to gain momentum. There seems to be a bigger interest from sponsors in our country and ofcourse the likes of Red Bull sponsoring IBA events. I have also noticed a lot of interest from the younger 'legit' standups lately. They seem to be less ignorant and understand what it takes to be a good bodyboarder. Our boys on the North Shore have earned a lot of respect over the years and are part of the ever increasing percentage of boogies/standups.
    Our sport is in good hands.

    One more thing. SUPPORT the brands that put back into SA bodyboarding.
    Sciance, HB, ROSSI, Factory 7, Sport Unlimited, Reef, Derevko, Agent18 etc.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the ones that don't, are:
    NMD, CHURCHILL, VS and more
  • Super_Dude
    February 2011
    aaannd it is quiet again... :shock:

    Thought it got better... Ppl should not work so hard. Should have fun!

    Anyways, I got a bodyboard bag for Valentines day :mrgreen:
  • lyle
    February 2011
    Super_Dude wrote:
    aaannd it is quiet again... :shock:

    Thought it got better... Ppl should not work so hard. Should have fun!

    Anyways, I got a bodyboard bag for Valentines day :mrgreen:

    sweet bru. killer V-Day gift.
  • Scarecrow
    February 2011
    Jussis okes!!! It's been WAAAAAAAY too long since I was last on here :( Work just far too hectic!

    Anyways what's happening with the boogie photography around CT??? There was some solid windswell running at KBay the other week and the boogies were all over it and busting big (missed it completely due to work commitments....FK!). I've seen some pics from the usual surf photographers, but nothing on the boogie side. What's happening?

    I got a feeling that the slow pace of things around here has a bit to do with the economic slump that hit. Everyone's having to work that much harder to earn a decent living so not as much time for play :lol:

    @Craig: Dude, where u been surfing? I've almost forgotten what it's like to surf :cry: Def gonna make time and hit it up this week if there's anything happening down south.
  • Super_Dude
    February 2011
    My Vday prezzie got stolen... with my bag, boardshort, towel, plakkies, sunscreen etc... from bigbay beach...
    learn the hard way not to leave stuff there while bodyboarding...

    Waves was leka Saterday at Bigbay... :-)
  • AnthonyNucc
    February 2011
    Nopee definitely not dying..... even making it all the way over here to the US

    Check out the website got a link to sixty40 on it over here in california

    Thanks - have a good one!
  • ElementreeElementree
    February 2011
    @Super - bummer dude, but I can tell you from experience as I grew up in the T View/Blouberg area...DON'T EVER leave your stuff on the beach unless you have someone sitting with it while you're in the water.

    Also never leave your car keys anywhere when you go in the water. There's guys at Big Bay, Small Bay, all those beaches along that stretch of coast...watching surfers when they change into their suits to see what they do with their car keys. If you leave your keys under your car or dig a hole and hide them somewhere on the beach they'll grab them and steal your car while you're in the water. I've seen it done at Derdesteen too many times!

    Hummm...come to think of probably happens all over SA.

    Ah not to make it easier for them.
  • lyle
    February 2011
    eish bru, that sux!!

    rather leave your stuff in your car and get a key cut at locksmiths. that way insurance still covers you car if it gets stolen as well.

    sorry to hear this though.

  • February 2011
    And always put your stuff in the boot or out of sight. They will break in for R5. Especially at Derdesteen.
  • Jammies KrugerJammies Kruger
    June 2014
    Sup guys. Only new to boarding from January this year but do make an effort to go down if their are sick waves. I think its just become abit hectic to try and juggle work and boarding but even a wave or 2 two times a week can also be good. Noticed alot of guys not on the beach these days so maybe a little more publicity re Bodyboarding is needed. As for the topic of certain guys being gay...I see no way how that affects the love of the sport.

    like I said, im new to boarding and hopefully I see one or two of you in the drink one day :)

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