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Digital Sixty40

  • lyle
    February 2011
    i think that digital is the way forward. i know this because i work in a big printing company and they always looking to go digital as printing becomes less and less. but i just so enjoyed going to my post box and getting that little piec of joy every 3/4 months. and then to open my "old box" and read old mags on onshore day to remember the "good old days" and keep the stoke. good times.

    time will tell if digital is the way forward....

    so, whats your thoughts of no longer getting a paper copy delivered to your door???

Sixty40 Bodyboarding Magazine 2,651 views

10 Replies

  • Inky
    February 2011
    Nothing will ever replace the smell of a new mag. Also cant read this in the car, on the bog, or if I have a super slow internet connection.

    However I do see the logic behind this, so time will tell :mrgreen: :)
  • rebeliousonerebeliousone
    March 2011
    Yeah digital is the way forward and we all love change, but i have to agree there's nothing better than getting that fresh new mag in the post! It's like purchasing vinyl or cd, peeps always say cd's are a better buy etc... but are they really! cd's will never beat vinyl they said it would die in the uk but look at them now, they wanna go back to vinyl as it's alot harder to bootleg vinyl than to bootleg a cd or get the latest download. but if you aint out to make just dolla and it's all about the passion and gettin the message out there, then who cares what medium its on, as long as it works for you and your clients then you do waht you gotta! till you rich that is then go back to printing pls! :lol:
  • lyle
    September 2011
    So its been a few months now, and well, maybe digital isnt the way forward? Since the paper issue has stopped being printed everything has gone horribly quiet...
  • Inky
    September 2011
    Since the paper issue has stopped being printed everything has gone horribly quiet...

    Yup, I used to check in once a day, now I'm lucky if I see anything new on here once a week....Still loyal though...
  • lyle
    September 2011
    Yeah i also used to check in daily. Now once a week or every 2nd week. Shame really. To keep the stoke you need a busy site and a paper mag in my opinion.

    Hopefully things will change in a month or two.
  • Kyle CabanoKyle Cabano
    September 2011
    Where are all the photographers? Where are all the online editors keeping the site updated? With going digital lots of extra work should be put into the website to keep everyone stoked.. Interviews, posts. Anything!
  • lyle
    September 2011
    I got so desperate i actually bought a ZigZag the other day. Noticed a few bodyboarding photogs submitting stuff there. Ive even asked family in Oz to get me a Riptide mag and post it to me... :'(
  • KellyKelly
    September 2011
    Kyle Cabano wrote:
    Where are all the photographers? Where are all the online editors keeping the site updated? With going digital lots of extra work should be put into the website to keep everyone stoked.. Interviews, posts. Anything!

    Hey my guy ... for the most part the Sixty40 website has been a one man show and is a great hobby for me but that means it is all in my spare time and as it doesn't bring in cash I can't employ anyone. The magazine is run separately but under the Sixty40 name - a little confusing but we do compliment each other. Life also moves on and my day job is many days not just a day job and so I have had less time to put in.

    It was my first ever web project - I had been working as a database administrator and wanted to move into web development and a bodyboarding website would be the most exciting project to learn on. I have always tried to put back into the sport and Sixty40 is something that I will always try to keep going. You do take a few knocks and disappointment along the way - at which point you probably see things get a bit quieter from me - but I will keep soldiering on.

    Anyway ...

    Recently, my time has been going into a bit of development and I have actually been thankful for things being a bit quiet as when it is not, there is always queries and issues which do not allow me to work on development - which is what I'd prefer to be doing. So, I am just reviewing the site and tidying up a few of the sections --- some of them were pretty horrible, unfinished, full of bugs and a quite embarrassing. I am trying to strip out what has become unused and work on the sections which are used and try allow for more content to be added by contributers and users.

    I have also disabled new registrations as we have really been targeted by spammers and at some point my plan is to remove this forum and migrate the users to a new login system.

    I can't give a time frame but over time you should see a few changes around the site.

    As always, thanks to everyone for their support and I will do my best to sort the site out.

  • ronald911ronald911
    September 2011
    Sounds great!
    Thanks Kelly!
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    September 2011
    Awesome stuff Kelly!

    Bigups for providing such an amazing platform for us Saffas!

    I stumbled upon it after a lengthy gap from the sport.... it totally got me stoked & riding again so I have this site and you to thank for that really :mrgreen:

    It's really made a huge difference to alot of people in the community and that is probably an understatement!
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