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coverage on supersport

  • puku
    May 2005
    I was watching supersport today and i saw a program purely on longboarding called longboard tv. I thought why dont bodyboarders do the same,make a purely bodyboarding program, send it to supersport and ask them to then we would be getting coverage. maybe send them a half hour program a month or whatever. it is a start.
    just a thouhgt, use it dont use it

Bodyboarding Development in South Africa 1,119 views

8 Replies

    June 2005
    Wicked Idea mate, im sure Colin could easily put something together (C Vandongen aka Probe.Tv) the problem comes in with the payments for that window time or maybe they do it for free? think its a rad idea what would be the content of the video though? contests? up and coming riders, things to think about.

  • puku
    June 2005
    yo t
    the bayview contest is coming up, dont you think that will be a good start? also the wedge contest and updates on the road warriors tour will also be pretty cool. about the not sure about that. I tried to e-mail supersport about it but the e-mail just came back,maybe my e-mail is down or something. cheers
    June 2005
    Like most things in south africa you have to phone them everyday to remind them that they you have a request who knows bro?? have you hard anything since you made that post here?

  • puku
    July 2005
    Sorry this reply is so late. nort I havnt heard anything from any1. highly bummed out bru
  • KellyKelly
    July 2005
    As you may or may not have heard but Bodyboarding in SA has recently acquired a big corporate sponsor and regular TV coverage of our contests could be a reality in the near future. You may know the details already but nothing has been officially released through me nor am I sure that it has been signed and sealed yet - so I'll leave it as that.

    BUT for this to become a reality, we need our videographers to become involved and start turning out some top quality footage and in that I mean the quality of the riding, the surf, the recording quality and the film work. If you're a bodyboarder/videographer and want to make it as a videographer (or photographer for that matter) then you shoot when it's firing, the light is good and there is a good crew in the water and you bodyboard on the rainy, bad light, bad wind days or days you can't find guys to shoot. So often I've seen guys bodyboardiing when it's firing rather than getting some insane footage. But bodyboarding needs the guys who are willing to shoot the session rather than be in the water. In this way you increase the amount of usable footage, you get some really good stuff that you could try and sell to use with the footage of the contest. Well, that is what I would prefer - if the surf at the contest turns out to be rubbish then show the best of it and then fill the rest of it with interviews of riders with footage of them or a session from a crew of guys who travelled to the event e.g. Road Warriors etc

    And if money permits - get a 3 chip video camera - you can have the best footage in the world but if it was taken with single chip then it's like packaging your DVD with a photocopied cover. Likewise, DVD/broadcast quality footage which a 3 chip camera delivers will make average riding/shooting look pretty good.

    If you're thinking about it then keep tabs on the market in the next year, JVC just brought out the smallest 3 CCD video camera on the market which you can pick up in the UK for £750 - less R9000 - so expect other manufacturers to follow suit and bring down the prices. Previously this sort of equipment was too expensive for the hobbiest but times are changing and I'm looking forward to seeing some really crisp quality footage in the near future. (Look out for the Lines of Fire DVD in December - Peter has been shooting with his 3 chip Canon)
  • puku
    July 2005
    hey kelly,
    thats super cool bru. a big corporate sponsor will do us good i reckon. please will you choon us the name of this big corporate sponsor or is it a secret?
    shot puku
  • KellyKelly
    July 2005
    Earlier last year Pick 'n Pay acquired a direct to retail license for Maui and Sons in South Africa (read below) and they are looking at a sponsorship package for bodyboarding which will help them break into industry in SA. For this year, SA Champs is being sponsored by Maui and Sons and will undoubtedly be the biggest SA Champs we have had. Plans are in the pipeline for next year but I think it might hinge on how well the Champs goes down.
    20/04/04- Maui and Sons announces licensing partnership in South Africa

    Leading international surf wear company, Maui and Sons, announces a direct to retail licensing agreement in South Africa with Pick’n Pay. The deal covers a wide range of categories including Mens; Womens; and Children’s Apparel, Accessories and Footwear.

    Pick ‘n Pay is regarded as one of the leading retailers in South Africa with several different retail banners including stand alone Pick’n Pay apparel stores where the Maui and Sons brand is expected to help spur significant growth over the next several years. The company’s innovative strategy focuses on merchandising of trend and lifestyle brands, while incorporating unique and technologically advanced consumer buying concepts. The platform has worked garnering Pick ‘n Pay an estimated annual turnover of U.S $4.5 billion in 2004.

    “We are pleased to announce our new partnership with Pick’n Pay, and the opportunity we have to establish a very important platform and distribution channel in South Africa” said Richard Harrington, Chairman and CEO of Maui and Sons International. “Maui and Sons’ 25 year heritage coupled with Pick’n Pay’s strong market and brand management expertise creates a tremendous opportunity for the Maui and Sons brand in South Africa”. The broad based partnership is expected to grow the Maui and Sons brand even further by establishing a strong identity in the South African market, while capitalizing on the extreme popularity of the surf lifestyle including clothing and accessories. Maui and Sons product will also be sold under Maui Girl and Maui Princess labels.

    “We are thrilled to be able to partner with Maui and Sons in South Africa and plan to maximize this great equity utilizing our vast network and resources. Maui and Sons will become a significant part of our portfolio and we look forward to its launch. The consumers in S.A demand quality and value; Maui and Sons will be positioned to satisfy their needs and wants,” said Michael Coles, apparel executive at Pick’n Pay, S.A.

    Founded in 1980, Maui and Sons is currently licensed and distributed in more than 100 countries around the world. The brand is known for authentic surf wear with trend-setting designs and leading graphic art. The company also markets designs and licenses footwear, hard goods and an assortment of surf related accessories such as sunglasses; watches; jewelry and beach chairs.
  • BeekBeek
    October 2005
    Well as you may or may not know the SA Champs sponsorship fell through, a real pitty. There is a possibility for this deal to go ahead in the future but nothing has happened as yet.

    With regards to the TV shows on supersport. We have been looking at this for a while now and what we really need is a 30min pilot to send to supersport. there are a few rules involved (eg. not too much branding etc) but if they like then the each new show goes straight onto air
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