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Paypal for SA Petititon

  • KellyKelly
    June 2005
    Please have a read of this petition and if you agree then please sign and forward on to all your mates.

    SA needs a payment gateway like Paypal, both for small business and NGOs who wish to set-up a payment solution which is a lot more cost effective than the options available from the banks and for consumers who wish to purchase goods online including international transactions which are currently extremely difficult to pay for as a South African resident.

    Banks also charge a fee of around 6% for each purchase on top of the monthly fee which you pay for the service whereas Paypal rates start at 2.9%.

    Thanks for your time!

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3 Replies

  • SmTSmT
    October 2005
    I know this is an old Topic, but I was reading an article the other day that mentioned something about the Creator of PayPal and the guy turns out to be from South Africa???
    WHAT THE HELL? Talk about turning your back on your Home?
    Can't order anything off E-bay because they all use PayPal, and it's not available here in SA!
    Anyway, thought it was interesting.
  • Daz Brahs
    November 2005
    Howzit SmT - this may be of help....or at least let you make payments to eBay.

    Non-U.S. Accounts

    Can customers in South Africa open a PayPal account?

    As of June 2005, South African residents are able to open a PayPal account, and can only send payments at this time. South African residents may not use PayPal to receive payments. PayPal continues to research how best to expand its offering in South Africa.

    See: ... elp_Center
  • SmTSmT
    November 2005
    :D Thanks, didn't realise that had happened!
    Now I can look more closely at the items that use PayPal, YAY for me!
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