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Mexico, Puerto Escondido

  • shaggabong
    August 2005
    I'm going back to Puerto Escondido for 3 months on Sunday the 4thsept 2005. watch this space for photos and updates of goings on as well as waves! bye SHAGGY

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44 Replies

  • shaggabong
    September 2005
    Thats my boarding call! In half an hour I'll be zooming over the atlantic ocean and into Mexico City. Over night in a hotel and Puerto Escondido in the morning. This is the life! bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    September 2005
    I arrived around 1pm, got a cab to my pla e checked the waves, 3-6ft with a light onshore blowing. Hit the main drag for some lunch. Bumped into Matt Lackey, then Ben Player and Photog, Phil Gallagher. Califonian bodyboard film maker Chad Stickey is in town too.
    Ate tacos and went surfing hour later. Waves were a bit bumpy, my board is a marshmellow and the rip was soul destroyingly strong. Not a dream like start to the trip but good work out never the less.
    Gotta go eat and sample some Mexican beer.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    September 2005
    surfed 3 times yesterday. The morning produced some fun 4ft offshore pits. The onshore came up at predictable 11am. My friends and I took some poms to the small wave beach and got them riding some 2ft closeouts. it was there first time in the water and they loved it. it was good seeing people riding their first wave ever. Even funnier seeing them getting their first beating!
    The offshore came through around 5:30. Got some sick pits. We surfed down the beach at farbar.
    This morning was offshore as usual. surfed at first light. Came in a few hours later. It was market day today so I spent the afternoon sweating in town. It's 4:30pm now. waiting for the offshore....
    SHAGGY out
  • Spy Dude
    September 2005
    Yo Shaguar........
    Dude... jelous... so so so so so so so jelous. Man you got the life.
    Working so hard i am only getting into the the water on saturdays, not even a weekend warrior anymore, just a once a week soldier.
    Dude enjoy mexico, drink loads of the local spirit, what they call it again... tequilsh... and stay away from them skanky hoes.
    Peace brother and my the tube be with you.

    Oh and keep this blog updated bru, and post pictures too, not just surfing but lifestyle, you with them skanky aussie pros, mexicana chickannas, etc etc etc.
  • puku
    September 2005
    shaggy youre a lucky man.youre a lucky,lucky man.on they say thers a pretty massive swell heading your way.8-12 foot or something.what i heard.
    shot puku
  • shaggabong
    September 2005
    Greetings, the swell has arrived! It came in yesterday arvo. pity I can't suf because I sprained my thumb on Satuday. Surfing with no leash, lost my board tried to grab it as the whitewater was coming for and got a hand to the board then the wave pushed the board and it bent my finger backwards. Nice. It's feeling better today but I'm running a bit of a fever at the moment. Too many parties...

    every good bodyboarder from Australia is here. Thursday is looking like it is going to be the day. May the barrel fest/ air show begin!
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    September 2005
    Well it's been 4-8ft for the last week. I straightened 2 leashes so far. Literally straightened, not a single coil in them. They look like surfing leashes. It's small today, only 4ft. Super crowded but very clean. There is another swell coming on the 22nd. Hopefully I'll have another lesh by then...
  • etxe
    September 2005
    Thanks for the news Shaggy. Keep us updated.
    And nevermind about the leash, ride free. My rule in Puerto was NO leash when it was >5ft. If you want to make use of your leash in such conditions, it will break anyway.
    Hasta pronto
  • Peter Lambert
    September 2005
    Hey, this might work, it used to work for the old gyroll leashes when they got pulled straight. Basically boil the kettle, fill the sink with cold water, and then coil the straight leash around some kind of round object to give it coils. When ready, pour the boiling water the leash it for about 30 seconds until super hot, and then dunk the hot leash into the cold water in the sink... heypresto, coils again! Oh well, use it / don't use it... first prize is a new leash, but if you are bored / desperate you can try the above. Puerto Sounds so Sick!! Peter
  • etxe
    September 2005
    Yep Peter, your technique works, and not only on gyroll leashes. I already tried and achieved it.... in Puerto.
  • Mark
    September 2005
    is puerto much heavier than a normal beach break if both is 6ft????
  • shaggabong
    September 2005
    Yes Puerto is like dunes on steroids. Shot for the leash trick Peter but it was easier to get a couple leashes off the pros from OZ. I used to surf with no leash Olivier but I ended up swimming too much. I catch too many close outs!
    It has turned onshore! It hasn't stopped for more than 24hrs. Waves were epic yesterday I was the first one out go 3 before anyone else came. It looks like it will be onshore for another 4 days! Damn you hurricane Rita! Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    September 2005
    Well it is still onshore from when I last wrote, I surfed the point at the end of the beach 2 days ago with a couple friends from Australia. It was about 4-6ft and rolling down the point, a dropknee kind of wave, but I lay down. Bit of a change from surfing a heavy beachie. Lackey was getting long rides back hand all the way to the beach.
    The rain last night could only be described as BLADDY HEAVY downfall. The streets turned into rivers rushing out to see. This guy had to watch his flip flop wash out to sea when it came off his foot while crossing the street.
    Town is quiet all the Australians have left now except for Lackey and Sam Gray( from queensland). Thats all bye SHAGGY
  • jbs
    September 2005
    Damn,that place sounds like sponger heaven,so amped to get over there!
  • shaggabong
    September 2005
    I'm starting to crack it has been 5 days of onshore! I went for a run today because I haven't done any exercise in 5 days. I snapped last night and got drunk. The whole town is slowly loosing it. Everyone is all for the same thing. Guys were surfing the main break today. Absolutely shocking waves, for here. I'd surf that at home but I never flew all the wy to mexico to surf onshore.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    September 2005
    Well the sun came out yesterday and it went offshore in the morning. The waves were small, like 2-3ft. The afternoon session was good until half of mexico decided to come and surf too. It is the same size again today so I'm waiting for the onshore to come so that the crowd will thin a bit. Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    It's been 6 days since I last wrote, waves have been OK, I've been surfing punta colarada, it is a shorebreak about 10mins drive from my house. Waves have gone smaller and smaller all week. It was pretty much flat yesterday. Monday night is the biggest night of the week here so I got drunk with my friend gherkin from Avalon( town in sydney). I woke up today with a hangover and it was onshore again! I looked at the virtual buoys and it is going to be onshore for the next 4 days! This messed up, looks like I'll be trying to get a Corona sponsorship soon, or maybe buy some shares...
    bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    The rain stopped yesterday morning and the offshore waas blowing. I got in the water by 9:30am, I'd slept in thinking it was still going to be raining. There some 4ft sets coming in some a little bigger, the swell was hitting the sand bar really straight so there were alot of close outs. There some absolute gems too. It took me an hour to get my first wave. It was worth it though.
    Today it has picked up even more a couple +6ft sets. It was really straight again and I only caught one wave and came in. There is a longboarding contest on at the moment so you can't surf the whole beach for the next 4 days I think.
    Hopefully tomorrow it will drop a bit and make it more peaky.
    There is a guy from Hermanus called Jan staying here too. (random I know)
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    Just when I thought I had surfed the worst waves in mexico, yesterday morning came along. It was offshore but the swell was still chopped up and messy. I went to go check punta colarada, it was shocking. So went all the way back to the beach break, my pocket being 80 pesos lighter, thats about R60. For the next 2 hours I caught closeouts and got caught inside.
    I haven't surfed today because it is smaller than yesterday. Last night was a big night too, nursing my fever.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • KellyKelly
    October 2005
    With barrels like these you deserve to be nursing something!

    Shot for sending on the the photo - have a few more for us while you're at it! + a pounding or two would be appreciated too!!!

    (larger pic available in the gallery)
  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    Greetings folks, The swell has dropped again today, i went to punta colarada to find out that thr river had burst it's banks and black pooh smelling water was pouring out to see. A sure way to get an ear infection.I got a ride back to the beach break just in time to catch the bikini contest, the worst bikini contest in the whole world! With a record entry of 4 girls! 2 of which shouldn't have entered. So it was down to a local girl and an Israeli surfer girl. The winner was the person who got the most applause, the Israeli had more friends than the local girl so she walked away with a US$400 cheque.
    I surfed around 14h00 this afternoon. Covered my face in zinc drank a litre of water and paddled out expecting to die of dehydration. The water was freshingly colder than the usual 27 degrees celcius. It must have been about 22 degrees. Wearing a black long sleeve rashy doesn't help. It was about 2-3ft, quite peaky just gherkin and I out on one peak and a portugese booger further down the beach.
    Thats all bye SHAGGY
  • mettie
    October 2005
    yo ous, i am back, i will be in puerto again from tuesday afternoon, after negotiating a few minor hiccups on my trip...I was at the airport checking in, and was told i wasnt allowed to leave london for mexico, as i never had a visa. Having been there twice before, i knew this was rubbish, until i checked out out the website, which showed me that the rules changed for Saffas 5 days ago! So yes, now South Africans need to apply for a visa prior to departure! U can thank the guinea pig ( me) for that info. I will now be there, after much missioning around for this god-forsaken visa, on tuesday as opposed to my origional arrival date of today! SWAK! Another weekend on the bottle here in london, more updates to follow
  • etxe
    October 2005
    On my way home back from Caves, I stop and check the net and what do I see? Mettie already had enough of London!
    B@*$$&#s! Enjoy Puerto for me, it is too long since I last went there.
    Mettie: did you check your gmail?

  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    The waves are still small, ODB( Brandon Foster) arrived yeterday. Mason Rose, Luke Hall Ralph Sanchez and a californian called Sean came with him too. Tomorrow i'll have been here six weeks. Which means I can start counting the days down until when I bail. The end of November is still a long way away though.
    Not much news to report on, I lost 6-3 to ODB in back gammon. Interesting I know. Hey Olivier How was caves?
    Bye SHAGGY
  • mettie
    October 2005
    Well, i got here to mexico city safely, but my bags werent as lucky. I leave for puerto in a few hrs knowing that i cant surf until tomorrow arvo at the earliest... thats the earliest my bags can arrive in puerto, if they even arrive at all. Anyways, thats life, updates will continue, mettie
  • KellyKelly
    October 2005
    Sounds like you're having one of my trips!!! Lost boards twice and luggage once ... + did the last minute visa scramble about 3 years ago when Indo decided to change their visa rules from 2 days to six weeks ... nothing a £5 "fax fee" can't sort out though!!!

    Good luck with getting the boards back!!!
  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    Well Metties bags arrived a day later. I've never seen the big fella so happy to be back in the water. It was 3ft and onshore biggest smile on his face. Waves have picked up again. It was 4ft this morning, really good. The last few days even though it has been small the lunch time surfs have been good. Little rip bowls lefts and rights. Closing out a fair bit but a couple gems too.
    Not sure how long this swell is sticking around for but rumour has it there is another one coming...
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    The swell was bigger today. It was a bit straight and closing out a bit but there good barrels too as well as the odd ramp here and there. Surfed for hours, took me an hour to get my first good wave. Quite a few people in the water. Mettie did something to his ankle inside a DK pit and may be out for tomorrow morning.
    It was about 4-6ft if you were wondering.
    Bye SHAGGY
    p.s. all the drop knee guys, ODB, Dave Hub, Mason Rose and Luke Hall went on a 3 hour drive looking for waves but didn't find anything and they ran out of petrol too. ha.
  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    Hi there, It's been an eventful last few days. Waves have been pumping, 4-8ft the last 3 days. I got lipped on satuday morning and hyper extended my rotater cuff( thats in the shoulder) out the water until tomorrow. The same day I did my shouder, gherkin got lipped and snapped his bodyboard in half. Another Ozzie, Dave Drews landed an air and snapped his board on landing.
    Yesterday another 2 ozzie guys snpped their cores of their boards and the stringers.
    Waves were sick again today, quite crowded though. The onshore came up really quickly this morning.
    Swell is dropping now, should be real small in a few days.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • BeekBeek
    October 2005
    Hey Shaggy,

    Hows that rotator cuff coming along? Sounds like you are getting some good ones, so jelaous - summer setting in here and not much to offer in terms of size. Need to make a trip out there i reckon. When is hte best time to go?
  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    Howzit Wayne and everyone else, the waves are real small today but saturday looks like it should be cracking. Had a fun afternoon surf yesterday real peaky, 3ft. Then every mexican local paddled out and half of puerto rico too, so mettie and I came in. Market day today so I must be off now to go and buy some fresh produce, Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    October 2005
    The waves were small today we all had a few too many drinks last night because everyone looks at the internet everyday to check the swell. I rode a stand up today, pretty fun, waves were about 2ft. It looks like this weekend is going to be good. About 6ft.
    Thats it bye SHAGGY
  • iJonty
    October 2005
    Wassup Metty and shaggy

    It's getting cold in Aspen and snow is on the mountains
  • shaggabong
    November 2005
    Hi Jonty, mettie and I are fine, that swell which we thought was going to come turned out to be a 4ft swell. Never the less it was fun surfing. Mettie picked off a few sick ones but the best wave I saw ridden was by peruvian bodyboarder Geraldine Gogin. Yes a girl got the wave of the day in our books. Took off deep scopped off the bottom and got spat out so hard. Mettie was on the shoulder and nearly lost his head because she came flying out with the spray. There was so much spray he couldn't see her.
    It's Halloween tonight. We have our costumes. Mettie is going as Dr. Mettie and I'm as the Incredible Hulk. Watch this space for photos.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    November 2005
    Hi there, Halloween was epic. We all got dressed up. I don't know how to attach pictures to this update so if anyone knows please let me know how. The waves picked up this morning. It was about 4ft. Real strong offshore. Stronger than normal. i hope tomorrow will be good too. Only time will tell. I don't think there are going to be anymore big swells before I leave. I can't reall be complaining though 4ft beach breaks rock, I just wish it were 8ft, there would be less annoying Israelie surfers in the water. Actually there would be less people in the water! Period.
    So thats all for now Enjoy the weekend bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    November 2005
    Hello everyone, after weeks of small waves, frisbee, runs on the beach and bodysurfing. We finally had some good waves today. It was 3ft and perfect with some odd 4ft waves coming in every half hour or so. The wind doesn't seem to be picking up today either so a surf in about an hour is on the cards. I just had breakfast, scrambled eggs with green peppers, onion garlic and ham. On Tortillas beacuse you don't really get toast here.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • iJonty
    November 2005
    Wassup Shaggy
    Mettie and I just had our first day of the season,hiked up the mountain and had freshies all the way down- fargin hard hike!!
  • mettie
    November 2005
    Yo shaggy, yeah, as jonty said, we just hiked an hr and a half up the back of aspen mountain, in the snow, which absolutely killed me. I think it killed me due to my massive night on the town last night. Needless to say, all the windhoek lagers sweated out quite quickly. The ride down was sick, so much fresh powder and no-one around as the mountain doesnt open for another 10 days. But u only get to do one run, as the hike is way too hectic to do twice. Then towards the bottom, there isnt much snow, so we had to hike down. That was the worst part. The old ankle held up fine, but it isnt 100% yet. Hope to start working this next week...hope everyone is getting waves, or some sort of alterntative fix.
    Laters, mettie
  • shaggabong
    November 2005
    Hey Mettie and Jonty, good to know you are getting to draw some clean lines on fresh powder. The waves still haven't picked there is a wqs surfing comp right now. Coco Levi has snuck through 3 heats now to the dismay of the foreigners in the crowd but to huge roars of applause from the local crew. I took part in a triathlon this morning. Well actually a team triathlon. I did the swim leg( first leg to non triatlon fans) I had no speedos but Luke my ozzie room mate helped me out with his lime green boys age 14 speedos! The gun went and I pushed past everyone went into a mad sprint out to sea, lead until 50m to the beach and got overtaken. I finished first in my category though, the guy who over took me was doing the Iron man on his own. He went on the win the event. My team came first too. I was in the mixed relay. Yes I had 2 girls as my partners. Oh yeah I forgot to mention there were only 2 teams in our division. So it was first or last.
    So thats all, we're going to the rodeo tonight. And "fast dave" hasn't been to bed yet and it is 3:38pm. He's coming along for the rodeo tonight.
    There was wrestling the other night. I was unable to go but "fast dave" went and he said there was a midget in and rabbit suit in the ring and a huge wrestler came in the ring picked him up over his head and through the midget into the crowd taking out 5 people in the audience, and the crowd loved packing out laughing!
    Thats it bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    November 2005
    Well there wasn't a rodeo. It is this tuesday. The waves picked up all day and by the end of the day it was about 4ft with a couple bigger ones. It looks like there might be a swell sticking around all week. I hope the internet gets it right.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    November 2005
    Well the internet got it right and yesterday was one of the best surfs I have had in mexico the whole trip. Mainly because it was just my roommate Luke and I and about 3 other people in the water for 2 hours before the rest of Puerto Escondido realised it was cooking. We paddled out at 2pm and came in after the sunset. Full peaky lefts and rights. The rights were the ones, in saying that I got a couple smoker lefts. I slapped my scrote on the water and had to take a 5 min timeout on the beach until I was ready again. When I had my shower last night, the left one was double the size of the right one. I thought I'd done permanent damage but a few hours later it calmed down and is now back to normal.
    I slept through the alarm clock this morning so I've bailed the dawny idea and am going to do the 10am-2pm shift. I'm planning on doing some overtime in the office today so it's zinc and a rashy today.
    I bought my ticket yesterday I leave this beautiful place on Monday. Be in Cape Town by the weekend.
    Bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    November 2005
    Well the last 3 days have been some of the best waves I've had whole trip. Wednesday was alright, the wind was a bit strong and there were quite alot of rips but one could still get good rides. I had a nimber of temper tantrums in the water mainly because I was constantly out of postion for the good ones and in postion for the close outs. Needless to say after surfing for 4 hours you do get to pick off a couple sick ones. Yesterday was epic. Hardly any wind, about 3-4ft about 8 people in the water. I sat away from everyone and picked off more waves in one surf than I think I did my whole 3 months here, ok I'm lying but you get the jist. Yesterday was great, lefts and rights, super peaky. Take off pull in or race and ramp. A good day for the boogie. I've just eaten breakfast and I'm waiting for my food to settle then I'm going to hit it. Waves look about the same as yesterday. Bye SHAGGY.
    oh and to all the people out there who like seafood, I went to a fish braai yesterday. This ozzie guy caught a 60kg Marlin. We ate only a small portion of the monster, so tasty.
  • shaggabong
    November 2005
    Yesterday was just as good as the other 3 days. It was a foot bigger too. I saw this Japanese girl get such a good barrel as we were paddling out. It really peaky but the rips were hectic. We surfed for about 3 hours, eventually coming in because my eyes were in so much pain. They hace been red all week. So much glare from the sun and sand in the water all combines to make my eyes really sore.
    It;s Rodeo night tonight. There are about 15 of us going should be epic. YEEE HAAA bye SHAGGY
  • shaggabong
    November 2005
    Well the rodeo went off. Upon arrival we met the landlord of the bull ring and he gave us a shot of mezcal at the bar, then it was all on. Some good bull riding went down. One cowboy wasn't so lucky though. He got bucked off the bull then the bull gorred him with its horn then trampled on him with it's front feet. The guy was out cold. The waves are junk today, it's fine though because I'm not really that amped to surf.
    I'm leaving tomorrow so this is it, one more letter from the airport to close this story off. Bye SHAGGY
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