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SABA Update: October 2005

  • altaylor
    October 2005
    Hey everyone

    This is going to be the start of something new in SABA for the upcoming year, as chairman of SABA, I am going to be writing up a small report each month or thereabouts, updating all you guys, the very reason we are a sporting organisation, on what we are discussing and doing for our sport. It's going to be a first of its kind as far as I know in the bodyboarding world. I don't want the SABA executive to be some out-of-touch pie in the sky that holds secret meetings, and all the bodyboarders out there, who are the lifeblood of the sport, are kept in the dark too. Actually I want the opposite, where all bodyboarders are sort of an extension of the executive committee. That being said, what we hope to get from you is input on our discussions and plans, and new ideas that you think will make bodyboarding better in this country ... so anything you have got to say, feel free to say it. If you feel awkward saying it in the open on the forum here, then you can email it to me directly, or to your provincial chairperson. An email list will be at the bottom of this page so you have the necessary contact info. So if you have a real interest in your sport, start coming up with some ideas and speak up, we need to hear from you!

    Tow Outs

    OK one of the plans for something totally new and exciting at our SABA comps for 2006 is jet-ski tow-outs. Most of you have probably seen footage of the guys in Oz launching 20ft high airs in 3ft waves, and it's pretty amazing. Anyway since a lot of our comps are held in pretty small surf, which is usually kinda restrictive for high performance bodyboarding, this could be our ticket to catching the attention of spectators and media in a big way. In an age where 'extreme sports' are so popular, we are no longer competing with just surfing for media coverage, but against skateboarding, Moto-X and BMX. This year at North Beach, there was a Moto-X demo right on the beach at a surfing comp, and they had built a big ramp, and these guys were doing massive airs, and the crowd was totally into it … in my opinion it pretty much eclipsed some of the surfing going on. If we can do something similar that has never before been seen in SA, we may just get that big media boost we need, and more media equals more sponsorship and money. The idea is just to put on a half hour or 45 minute demo with some guys that have been practicing tow-outs and have gotten pretty good at it on each day of the contest around the time most people are at the beach. So if any of you want to get in on this idea, see what you can do, or if you have contacts with jet-ski owners that can help out or whatever, let us know ... maybe you can be in that demo too. Just be aware that, as with most radical extreme sports, this stuff can be kinda dangerous, and you could get a bit hurt, so only maniacs need apply.

    Development & Clubs

    Another project we will be tackling is growing the sport at development level as much as possible, and also maybe teaming up with some anti-drug campaigns to go into schools, and in partnership with them, present bodyboarding as a safe, fun and also radical alternative to substance abuse. We are also going to get the bodyboarding club scene going again, as it once was in Durban. Club contests are still the best way for kids to start out in competition, as it's inexpensive, fun competing against mostly just your friends at your home break and no big deal if you lose, you just come back next time and try again. If the club scene really gets going, inter-club comps become a viable option as well, and they are pretty fun as well.

    Membership Fees

    The membership fees on SABA will be going up some for 2006, though not a whole lot, however the good part is that we are working on a package that will go out to every member, consisting of something like a SABA t-shirt, membership ID card which will get you a discount at participating surf stores and hopefully you'll be in a draw for a new board as well ... so you'll get a bit more out of your membership than in years past. The important thing though is your membership fees will be used to grow bodyboarding in SA, and to make us a better recognized and more respected wave-riding community.

    North Beach & Cave Rock Contest Ambitions

    Also on the cards is the goal to get a contest back on at North Beach in Easter, which hopefully will also premier the tow-out bodyboarding display. And in the same timeframe we hope to get the Cave Rock event back on, which will be an invitational, but obviously an important part of the bodyboarding calendar. Along with the Bay View Big Wave comp, that's what is going to showcase bodyboarding at its best, i.e. heavy waves and big moves.

    Age Division Changes

    There is also probably going to be some tweaking in the age divisions, although not official yet, but for example, the Men’s Division will either start at 18+, or a new division will be created so that if you come out of Juniors, you don't HAVE to go straight into the PRO division, there will be an alternative. The Masters Division may also be changed slightly, but all that will be officially announced soon.

    Anyway those are some of the highlights of what's in store for us for the new season. As I said, any ideas and comments are welcome, remember this is your sport, and you are all able to play a part in shaping its future.

    Emails for relevant people for you to contact in SABA are here, or preferably, just post it right here under this forum on sixty40.

    Alistair Taylor – Chairman - [email protected]
    Sally Mellish - Vice Chairperson - [email protected]
    NKZN Rep - John Cawood - [email protected]
    CKZN Rep - Wayne Du Preez - [email protected]
    SKZN Rep - Wayne Beekman - [email protected]
    EP Rep - Ryan Jucker - [email protected]
    SC Rep - Vaughn Harris - [email protected]
    Boland Rep - Riaan Du Preez - [email protected]
    WP Rep - Sacha Specker - [email protected]
    Judging Rep – Rossi - [email protected]

    OK thanks, hope to hear from some of you guys.

    Signing out

    Alistair Taylor

South African Bodyboarding Association 1,790 views

6 Replies

  • Stephan Becker
    October 2005
    Hi AT!

    Well I've had the tow in thing in mind for about a month now, been speaking to a friend that you can smell from a mile away(stinking rich). But he's a guy I can trust with my life, his family owns 4 jet ski's(2 stand-up, 2 sit-down). He wants to use his stand-up but I'm obviously more keen on the sit-down. Anyway we'll be trying it for the first time with-in the next two weeks or so. So just thought I'd tell you, you have 1 guy that'll be there for the tows if it happens.
    Oh ya, do you think there'll be any age linits on it? :x

    Well cheers for now!

  • Mark
    October 2005
    i see a bright future for SABA with AT as chairman!
    all the ideas sounds good,now saba just needs the support from the bodyboarders to make them work....
  • BB4life
    October 2005
    Agreed, some awesome ideas and practices being pushed forward, we can only see bodyboarding grow into the true sport it deserves to be...

    Nice one
  • altaylor
    October 2005
    cool thanks for all you guys sending replies, hope this thing grows a lot. I am about to change phone numbers, but when I get my new one I'll probably post that on here as well, and if anyone has any contact with jetskis I'd be glad to hear about it.
    To Stephan, I don't think we're gonna have age limits, at least within reason (like no 5 year olds obviously), I think it's going to be more a matter of the persons competency at doing towouts, which will be key. Only thing is if someone is under 18, they'd have to get a release from their parents to be in the contest part of it.

  • SmTSmT
    October 2005
    I think SABA really needs the focus that AT represents, Pat's done a great job in keeping it going during some very difficult times and she deserves a break!
    I think Bodyboarding in SA can only get better from here, we just need more support and with AT and Karla we're going to go far.
    With regards to Tow-outs,Al try speak to Steve Benson, being sponsored by Red Bull i'm sure they would be more than happy organising/supporting something in DBN during July which showcases a combo of their sponsored riders???
    We can only go forward from here :P
  • altaylor
    October 2005
    alrighty thanks for the suggestion, I'll talk to Steve next time I see him,

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