You may have seen Alistair Taylor's article under the SABA forum (October Update) mentioning that they are keen to introduce a few tow-out demos at the contests.
Since there are not many guys doing tow-outs in SA, I'd like to try find out firstly which riders have given it a go?
And secondly, we then need these riders to share a bit of their knowledge so that we can get the guys onto a steep learning curve if anything is to happen this year. So, if you could please share some hints let us know what moves you've gone for and any tips on actually landing back on the wave. Basically, would like this to be a place to share knowledge between the guys riding towouts.
Also, any precautions which should be taken? (I ruptured and lost my spleen getting too projected on a normal air - so the dangers just get magnified with extra speed and height.)
And obviously a generally accepted code of conduct would be good to set-up especially for anyone new ... nobody enjoys these jetskis out at your local when you're enjoying a quite surf so I would suggest spots which no-one surfs.
For inspiration ... here's a shot of Mathieu Desaphie which he sent into us. If you're organising a session - try get it captured and send it in to us.